Ma ei ole jooksma saanud juba kaks nädalat. Eelmine nädal oli väike op ja viimane kuu olen hädas olnud haige kurguga, nüüd antibiootikumid ka. Üllataval kombel ei seganud see keskendumist (mitte, et aega oleks).
Krokodilli silm on tõenäoliselt kõige ajamahukam töö, mille ma olen teinud. Ja nagu ikka joonistusest pildi tegemine muudab selle kuidagi häguseks.
Oli mõte erinevate loomade silmi joonistada. Eks näeb. Praeguseks krokodill :)
I haven`t been able to run for nearly two weeks due to an operation and illness. So I was really surprised I was able to concentrate enough to draw.
An eye of a crocodile is probably the most time consuming drawing I have made. Taking a photo of a picture always leaves it too bright/blurry etc :(
I had a thought to try to draw eyes of different animals. We`ll see.. But for now, an eye of a crocodile :)
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Istun arvuti taga, pooleliolev pilt on minu ees, pliiatsid lauale paigutatud. Otsin taustaks filmi. Siis märkan, et paberile tekib väike vari, mis vaikselt liigub. Hea küll, nüüd näen juba hallutsinatsioone?
Vaatan üles lambi poole ja kes muu, kui ämblik teeb laskumistrikki. Võrkupidi laes, laskub natuke, peatub, jalad laiali ning laskub järgmise jupikese. No mida?
Mu arahnofoobia oli kunagi (ja pikka aega) kordades hullem. Üle loomulikult ei ole. Teraapiana olen hakanud ämblikke pildistama (kui nad ikka ohutus kauguses on), proovisin joonistada ja pilte suudan täiesti rahulikult vaadata. Suudan nad toast ka välja toimetada, kui nad liiga kiiresti ei liigu ;)
Aga tundub, et osa ämblikke on võtnud oma missiooniks mind iga hinna eest ehmatada.
Ükskord vaatasin peeglisse, olles sellele suhteliselt lähedal. Silmanurgast nägin liikumist, pöörasin pead ja samasugune laskuja oli sihiks võtnud minust kõige rohkem viie sentimeetri kauguselt mööduda.
Siis lugesin voodis raamatut. Jälle mingi tume laik jäi vaatevälja. Oli jõudnud praktiliselt minu pea juurde.
I am sitting behind a computer with a half finished drawing in front of me. Pencils placed on the table, ready to be used. I am searching for a film to play in the background. Then I notice a shadow that is moving ever so lightly. So now I am hallucinating?
I look up to the lamp and who else but a spider is decending? What the? It decends a bit, stops with its legs spread out and decends the next small bit.
My arachnophobia used to be way worse. Of course I am not over it. As a way of therapy I have started to take photos of spiders (if they are in a safe distance that is), I have tried to draw one. I can look at their pictures. Mostly. I can trasnport them safely out of the room (if they don`t move too fast).
But it seems a group of spiders has set their sole purpose to scare me to death.
One time I was looking into the mirror being relatively close to it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement, I turned my head and one was decending from the ceiling just like today. It seemed to aim to catch my head being not more than five centimetres from it.
Then I was in my bed reading a book. Again a dark spot in my peripheral vision. It had virtually reached my face. Splendid.
Vaatan üles lambi poole ja kes muu, kui ämblik teeb laskumistrikki. Võrkupidi laes, laskub natuke, peatub, jalad laiali ning laskub järgmise jupikese. No mida?
Mu arahnofoobia oli kunagi (ja pikka aega) kordades hullem. Üle loomulikult ei ole. Teraapiana olen hakanud ämblikke pildistama (kui nad ikka ohutus kauguses on), proovisin joonistada ja pilte suudan täiesti rahulikult vaadata. Suudan nad toast ka välja toimetada, kui nad liiga kiiresti ei liigu ;)
Aga tundub, et osa ämblikke on võtnud oma missiooniks mind iga hinna eest ehmatada.
Ükskord vaatasin peeglisse, olles sellele suhteliselt lähedal. Silmanurgast nägin liikumist, pöörasin pead ja samasugune laskuja oli sihiks võtnud minust kõige rohkem viie sentimeetri kauguselt mööduda.
Siis lugesin voodis raamatut. Jälle mingi tume laik jäi vaatevälja. Oli jõudnud praktiliselt minu pea juurde.
I am sitting behind a computer with a half finished drawing in front of me. Pencils placed on the table, ready to be used. I am searching for a film to play in the background. Then I notice a shadow that is moving ever so lightly. So now I am hallucinating?
I look up to the lamp and who else but a spider is decending? What the? It decends a bit, stops with its legs spread out and decends the next small bit.
My arachnophobia used to be way worse. Of course I am not over it. As a way of therapy I have started to take photos of spiders (if they are in a safe distance that is), I have tried to draw one. I can look at their pictures. Mostly. I can trasnport them safely out of the room (if they don`t move too fast).
But it seems a group of spiders has set their sole purpose to scare me to death.
One time I was looking into the mirror being relatively close to it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement, I turned my head and one was decending from the ceiling just like today. It seemed to aim to catch my head being not more than five centimetres from it.
Then I was in my bed reading a book. Again a dark spot in my peripheral vision. It had virtually reached my face. Splendid.
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