SEB 10 km 47,04. 388s, N46s, oma vanuses 28s.
Kirna-Türi 6.5km 29,59. 75s, N13s, oma vanuses 4s.
Septembri lõpust alates kimbutas kurguvalu, kutsehaigus ja kõik see. Kuigi mitte kunagi nii pikalt. Hääl otsustas mind ka maha jätta, ühe nädalavahetuse veetsin täielikus vaikuses. Kirna-Türi ajal olin juba tõbine. Oktoober jäi trenniga praktiliselt vahele, kaks nädalat proovisin ise hakkama saada, nädala võtsin antibiootikume ja siis nädala taastusin.
November oli lõbus. Mul on suvest nuti. No ja Endo ka ikka, kuidas siis muidu. Mul loomulikult treeningpäevik paberil ka aga seal summeeritud distants pidevalt silmade ees. Kuu poole peal vaatasin, et oo.. 200 km saab kuu lõpuks kätte. Mingi aeg avastasin, et võiks siis juba oma rekordi (218) ka üle joosta. Ja nii tuligi novembris 220km :)
Detsembri keskpaigani saab järgmise aasta linnajooksudeks registreerida. Võtan järjekordselt lahti SEB registreerimise. Täidan kõik väljad ära. Kõik peale distantsi. Sest..
Sisehääl: Kuule, jookseks seekord uuesti maratoni.
Pea: Loll, oled? Mäletad, kui raske see oli?
SH: Piisavalt aega on mööda läinud. Ma olen selleks valmis.
P: Kuuest küünest ilma jäämine?
SH: Kõhklust ei oleks ju, kui üldse ei tahaks joosta.
P: Aga ma tahan 10t joosta. Selleks on kiirust vaja. Vanust ka juba. Maratoni jõuab hiljem ka.
SH: Aga ma tahan maratoni joosta.
P: Mõtle, kui palju aega treenimiseks kulub.
SH: Nagu sa praegu vähem jookseks :D Saan enne ju 10t ka joosta, Tartus ja Ööjooksul. Ja Narva jääb 7.
P: Trenn on ju erinev.
SH: Ma ei ole tippsportlane, saan oma trenniga ka hakkama.
P: Mõtle kui raske see oli!!!
SH: Kui võtta sihiks 3t45min, siis km ajaks tuleb ainult 5m30s, see on ju joostav. Pealegi, registreerime maratoniks, ümber saab registreerida. Odavam on maratoni pealt 10ks kui vastupidi.
P: Ole vait.
SH: Ole ise vait. Jookseme.
Ja siis ma siin otsustan juba mõnda aega. 15ndal läheb esimene registreerimine lukku. Ja sh jääb vist peale. Trepijooksud on aasta alguses. Mis mõttes on ühel etapil vaja kaks korda üles joosta? See jääb vist ära. Teletorn oli :D
SEB 10 km 47,04. 388th all together, 46th woman, 28th in my age group.
Kirna-Türi 6.5km 29,59. 75th, 13th woman, 4th in my age.
My throat gave me some serious headache from the end of Sepember. Apparently it is chronical but never has the soarness lasted that long. My voice also dediced to leave me. I spent three days in complete silence. During Kirna- Türi I was already ill. I virtually couldn`t run at all in October. Two weeks I tried to make it on my own, one week with antibiotics and a week for recovery.
November was fun. I have a smartphone since summer. And naturally I have Endo. I do have my trainings written down in a notebook but in Endo I can easily see the distance. After half of the month was over I saw taht 200km was quite tangible. Some time later it was apparent I could reach my record (218km). So, in November I managed to run 220km :)
Cheaper registration to next year`s City Runs is open until December 15th. Once again I open the SEB Tallinn registration. I fill in all the information. Everything except the distance. Because...
My inner voice: Let`s run the marathon again.
My head: Are you stupid? Do you remember how hard it was?
IV: It has been long enough. I am ready.
H: Losing six toenails? Ring a bell?
IV: I wouldn`t consider it, if I didn`t want to run.
H: But I want to run 10km. I need speed for that. I am getting older. I can run the marathon later.
IV: But I want to run the marathon.
H: Remember how much time it takes to train?
IV: As if you run any less now :D I can run 10km as well, in Tartu and in Rakvere Night Run. And 7km in Narva.
H: The practice is different.
IV: I am not a pro athlete. I can manage with my current training, I run as much as I did the last time.
H: Remember how hard this was???
IV: Think. If my aim is to run it with 3h45min, then I would have to run a km in 5min30s, this is totally runnable. Besides, let`s register for the marathon, I can always re-register. And it is cheaper to re-register from marathon to 10 than the other way around.
H: Oh, shut up.
IV: Shut up yourself. Let`s run.
And so I have been deciding and re-decing for a while. The first round of registration ends on the 15th. And IV seems to be winning the case.
Towerruns are at the beginning of the year. But one stage requires running the tower twice. What the?? Guess not this time. Teletorn was :D