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Hommikusöök |
Las Vegase sildini jõudes, olime isegi alustanud enne üheksat, oli seal juba pildistamise järjekord. Silt hoiatas, et ametlikult teiste pildistamisega raha teenimine ei ole lubatud aga sildi ees nägime ühte aktiivset tegelast turistidele juhiseid jagamas ja muudkui klõpsutades. Selle juurde käis loomulikult tip. Kuulsin, et sobiv summa oleks 10. Sattusime jutule ühe kolmandat kuud mööda Ameerikat sõitva noormehega, kes oli lahkelt nõus meie pildi ise tegema. Vastutasuks pildistasin teda ühe Elvisega.Olen näinud videot, kus sildi juures seisis meeletu järjekord. Ei oleks küll tahtnud kuumas, higist tilkudes oodata.
Mandalay Bay |
Tagasi suundusime vastastänaval ning astusime sisse kõigisse hotellidesse, mis tee peale jäid. Seda nii kasiinode ja meelelahutuselementide jälgimiseks kui jahutamiseks. Tänu Maryle teadsin, et suvaline hotell sobib ka tualetipeatuseks.
Luxor |
Luxor`i püramiidi kujuline hotell ja selle ees olevad sfinksid. See nägi seest ja väga lahe välja. Püramiidile omaselt oli iga järgmine korrus kitsam, samas seest oli kõik õõnes;
Excalibur |
New York, New York |
Tohutult kõrge Aria Resort Hotel. See nimi tuletab meelde, et meie hotellis erinevalt enamikule Las Vegases ei lisandunud puhkekeskuse tasu. Selleks ajaks olimegi jõudnud tagasi meie majutusse, kus tegime väikese puhkepeatuse ning lõõgastusime basseinis.
Lõunaks sõime esimese Ameerika burgeri Oyster Bay Seafood Baaris. Ei jätnud üldse head muljet.
Fremont Street |
Fremont Street |
Vegases asub samuti Pawn Stars saates nähtav pandipood, vahepela tundus, et buss sõidab selle eest ka läbi aga jäi kahjuks nägemata.
Sõitsime välja Fremont tänavale, kus asub Fremont Experience. Praegu katusega kaetud jalakäijate tänav, kuhu ehitati Vegase esimene hotell, esimene telefon, esimene sillutatud tee. Tänavat ääristavad mitmed poed, kasiinod ja baarid, seal on mitu lava esinejatele.
Stratosphere karusell |
Sõitsime toidupoodi, et järgmiseks päevaks lõunasöök valmis osta. Kuna lõuna oli nii mahukas, jätsin õhtusöögi vahele, vanemad sõid salatit.
Õhtul viisin vanemad Bellagio purskkaevu showd jälgima ning tormasin ise Mirage hotelli juurde jäävat vulkaanipurset uudistama.
Las Vegas |
The Carriage House was the only hotel during our trip that didn`t offer breakfast. So we visited Ocean One Bar and Grille again, I had pancakes with maple treacle and bacon (so weird) and my parents had omelettes.
We had started walking before 9am but reaching the sign we already saw a considerable line waiting to take the iconic shot. There was a sign prohibiting earning money by taking photos of others. But naturally there was a man instructing tourists how to pose and taking their photos. For a tip. I overheard he said 10 dollars would be enough. We got talking to a man who had already travelled in America for the previos three months. He kindly agreed to take our photo. I took his with an Elvis in return. I have seen a video where there was a loooong line in front of the sign. I definitely wouldn`t have wanted to stay there in the hot sun.
Mandalay Bay, golden and royal;
Luxor with its huge pyramid and sphinxes. The hotel looked so cool, both outside and in. Being a pyramid, each floor was narrower than the previous one, at the same time being hollow inside; Excalibur looks just like a fairytale castle.
Inside Luxor |
New York, New York |
My mum is afraid of hights. But she was more afraid of not finding us later if she would have waited outside. So she agreed to ride with us. She is terrified of hights. I wanted to ride in the first carriage so we had to wait a bit. It was so exciting. Not for my mum, I guess. She screamed the whole time. But she was proud of herself for doing that. So am I. It was the highest roller coaster I have taken. It drove so fast and I couldn`t actually see anything. Fun. So I took another ride with the VR glasses. It was slightly weeker than in Barcelona and the glasses wanted to fly off, so I had to hold on to them for the most of the ride.
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Lunch, served just like that |
We ate our first American burger for lunch in Oyster Bay Seafood Bar. Wasn`t particularly good.
Fremont Street |
Fremont Experience |
We saw Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, Caesar`s Palace; Mirage hotel and many more iconic hotels. I already thought we would drive by the pawn shop shown in Pawn Stars but no luck.
We got off the bus in Fremont Street, wanting to see Fremont Experience. Pedestrian street covered with a roof and bordered with many shops, casinoes, bars and stages.
Stratosphere |
We drove to Vons to buy lunch for the next day. As our lunch had been so heavy, I skipped dinner. My parents had salads.
In the evening I took my parents to enjoy the Bellagio fountains, but as I had already seen that I rushed to the the volvano at the Mirage hotel.