19.07 Olime siiani liigelnud bussi ja metrooga. Sellele lisandus RER. Mina arvasin alguses, et metroo on see, mis sõidab maa all ja RER kui rong, maa peal. Aga metroo sõidab lisaks maa peal ja RER tunnelites. Igatahes päeva alguseks jälle ca tunnine sõit.
Disneylandi väravate juurde jõudsime umbes kolmveerand üheksa. Sissepääs oli kell 9. Järjekorrad olid juba märkimisväärsed. See oli esimene koht, kus väravaid õigeaegselt ei avatud. Pärast üldväravatest sissepääsu ootasime eraldi Disney pargi järjekorras. Suures pargis on tegelikult kaks eraldi keskust - Disneyland ja Walt Disney stuudio.
Disneyland koosneb mitmest teemakohasest sektsioonist. Majad, poed, söögikohad ja mis veel nägid välja nagu muinasjutumajakesed. Teemapargile kohaselt varustasime ennast kõigepealt Minni kõrvadega.
Igale atraktsioonile pääsemiseks oli loomulikult järjekord. Disneylandil on äpp, milles kuvatakse eeldatav ooteaeg ning hetkel mitte töötavad masinad. Alustasime Tähesõdadega. Kõigepealt üks rahulikum sõit. Seejärel mega lahe Star Warsi Hyperspace Mountain. Küsisin kas meil on võimalus esimeses vagunis istuda ning sellele soovile tuldi kohe vastu. Pidime lihtsalt ühe vooru vahele jätma. Ainuke miinus sõidu juures oli see, et enamik möödus suhtelises pimeduses. Tegime küll 360-kraadise pöörde, tõuse ja langusi kuid seda oleks olnud lahedam suurema nähtavusega teha. Iseenesest väga põnev.
Tähesõdade osas oli veel üks äärmiselt lahe 4D sõit. Aga järjekord oli ka mega.
Edasi suundusime läbi *kahjuks küll rekonstrueeritava* muinasjutulossi Disney maailma. Sisemine laps rõõmustas piparkoogimaja, kurja kuninganna, Excalibury mõõga, Alice võlumaa, merineitsi, Jacki ja oavarre ja muinasjuttude maa üle. Sõitsime natuke ringi aga siin on mõeldud ikkagi väiksematele. Lõunaks jäätis. Ma ei võtnud vett kaasa, sest Disneylandi kodulehel on lubatud tervet parki kattev kraanide võrgustik. Päev oli kuum. Kõik kraanid olid loomulikult kinni. See info võiks kodulehel ka kirjas olla. Ma lihtsalt ei olnud nõus 3.5 euro eest väikest veepudelit ostma.
Edasi suundusime Indiana Jonesi sektsiooni. Seal oli veel üks põnev sõit.
Seejärel ootasime peaaegu pool tundi ühes järjekorras, kui anti teada, et atraktsioon on suletud. Selgus, et üks sõiduk oli millegipärast rajal kinni ja inimesed pidid jalgsi tagasi tulema. Tegime veel ühe paadisõidu ning külastasime kummituste maja.
Kokkuvõttes tegime kolm väga lahedat sõitu aga päev ise oli mega lahe. Ilm oli super. Juba seal kord elus ära käia on põnev. Aga ei kujutagi ette, kuidas oleks lastega parki külastada. Eriti kuuma ilmaga. Järjekorrad ja ahvatlused.
Tagasi jõudsimegi õhtusöögi ajaks. Tegime lühikese jalutuskäigu Montparnasse torni juurde ning suundusime sööma. Einestasime Bouillon Chartier'is.

Olin selle koha kodus leidnud, kuna see oli meie esialgse majutusasutuse läheduses ning tundus väga ilus ning huvitav. Seal pakuti tigusid 😁 , mille peab Prantsusmaal ikka ära proovima. Võtsime Ailiga kahepeale 6 tigu. Kui meile taldrik toodi, siis vaatasime teineteisele otsa ja Aili küsis, kuidas neid süüakse. Mina ei olnud ka varem söönud aga Google ei jää "kuidas tigusid süüa" küsimusega hätta. Ikka klambritega koda haardesse ja urgitse kahvliga tigu kojas välja. Ma ei tea küll, miks tigusid süüakse. Mingi eriline maitsenauding see ei ole. Halvad nad ka ei olnud. Mul nii kõva närvi ei olnud, et oleks teo suhu pistnud. Paigutasin ta enne saiaviilule. Kui ma ei mõelnud, mida ma söön, siis oli täiesti ok. Küüslaugune, natuke närimist ja söödud.
Pearoaks oli jälle confit part. Kummalgi meil ei olnud toidu kõrval salatit. Minu taldrik paistis mitte isuäratav. Part oli hea maitsega, kartulid nagu kartulid ikka. Magustoit oli naljakas. Paksu vahukooremütsi all peitus pall jäätist, kaks tükki beseed ning see ujus šokolaadis. Imelik.
Tagasitee majutusse jalutasime. Õhtu lõppes jälle Eiffeli jalamil. Seekord ootasime ära plinkimise.
Kui mõtlesin kus Pariisis olles 19. juuli veeta, siis valik osutus Disneylandile😁 Mul on olnud õnn veeta see päev Londonis, Dublinis, Roomas, Clovellys, Lake Districtis, Moheris, Cornwallis, Bledis, Skye saarel, Snowdoni tipus, Capril, Jurmalas ja nüüd Pariisi Disneyland'is 😊

19th July So far we had travelled by bus and metro. Now we were introduced to RER train. At first I had thought that the subway runs underground and RER as a train on the ground. But the subway also runs on the ground and RER in tunnels. Anyway, we began our day with an hour's drive.
We got to the gates of Disneyland at quarter to nine.
The entrance was opened at 9 am. The queues were already significant. This was the
first place where the gates were not opened in time. After entering the general
gates, we waited in a separate line for the Disney park. The large park actually
has two separate centres - Disneyland and Walt Disney Studios.
Disneyland consists of several thematic sections. All the houses,
shops, cafes and whatnots looked out of fairytale. To stay true to the day's theme, we first equipped ourselves with Minnie's ears.
There was, of course, a queue to get to every attraction.
Disneyland has an app that displays the expected standby time and attractions that
are not currently running. We started with Star Wars section. First, a calmer ride *with a long queue* Then super cool Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain. I asked if we had the opportunity
to sit in the first car, and this request was immediately met. We just had to
skip one round. The only downside to driving was that most of it passed in relative
darkness. We did a 360-degree turn, ups and downs, but it would have been cooler
to do that with more visibility. In itself, very exciting. 
In the Star Wars section, there was another extremely cool 4D
ride. But the queue was also looong.
We then went through the *unfortunately under construction*
Fairiland castle to the world of Disney.

The inner child rejoiced over the
gingerbread house, the evil queen, the Excalibury sword, Alice the wonderland, little mermaid, Jack and the bean stalk, and the land of fairy tales. We drove
around a bit, but this part of the park is mainly aimed for the younger people. For lunch, we had ice cream. I
didn't take water with me because the Disneyland website promises a network
of taps to cover the entire park. The day was hot. All the taps were, of
course, closed. This information should have been stated on the website. I just
didn't want to buy a small bottle of water for 3.5 euros.
Next we headed to the Indiana Jones section. There was another
exciting ride.
We then waited for almost half an hour in a line when it was
announced that the attraction was closed. It turned out that one of the
vehicles was stuck on the track for some reason and people had to come back on
foot. We took a boat trip and visited a haunted house.
All in all we drove three very exciting rides, but the day itself
was super fun. The weather was great. It is simply wonderful to spend a day at Disneyland. But I can't imagine what it would be like to visit the park with
children. Especially in hot weather. Queues and temptations. Ugh.
We got back for dinner. We took a short walk to see the Montparnasse
tower and headed for dinner. We dined at Bouillon Chartier.

I had found this
place at home because it was close to our original accommodation. It looked
very beautiful and interesting. There are escargots😁on the menu. If not in Paris, where else would one try snails? Aili and I shared 6 escargots between us. When
the plate was brought to us, we looked at each other and Aili asked me how they
were eaten. I hadn't eaten snails before, but "how to eat snails" isn't a question Google can't answer. So I took the tongs, took firmly hold of the shell and used the tiny fork to get the snail out. I don't know why people eat snails. They don't taste exceptionally good. They weren't bad either. I didn't have the stomach to try one on itself, I used a slice of bread with it. As long as I didn't think about what I was eating, it was perfectly fine.
For main course, I had duck confit again. Neither of us had any salad. My plate didn't look appetizing. The duck tasted good,
potatoes tasted like potatoes. The dessert was funny. Under a thick coat of whipped
cream there was a ball of ice cream, two pieces of meringue, and it swam in
chocolate. Strange.
We walked back to the accommodation. Again, the evening ended at the foot of the Eiffel. This time we waited for the flashing lights.
When I was thinking about where to spend July 19th in Paris,
I thought about Disneyland. Since 2007 (with the exception of 2013) I have spent the 19th of July abroad. I have been grateful to spend the 19th of July in London, Dublin, Rome, Clovelly, Lake District, Moher, Cornwall, Bled, Skye, on the top of Snowdon, Capri, Jurmala and now Paris Disneyland😊