Rada oli ette nähtud 5km, millele jaotatud 4 värvipunkti. Aga kuna eelmisel päeval oli päris kõva torm ja jooksu ajal jätkuvalt tugev tuul, siis rada kujunes ca 3km pikkuseks ning jäi ainult Tähtvere parki.
Värvidega ka väga koostööd ei olnud :D Meile paisati peale roosat, kollast, sinist ja rohelist. Lõpuks olid mul peal ainult roheline ja kollane.
Last Satruday there was Wow Run in Tartu Tähtvere Park. I don`t actually recall how I discovered the run but I know I was dissapointed for not being able to participate because it was supposed to be at the same day with Narva. Fortuanately, Wow Run was postponed for a week.
It was supposed to be a 5km track that had 4 colour stations. But as it had been a strong storm the previous day and the wind was still quite strong, the track was shortened to approximately 3 km and was held entirely in Tähtvere park.
In third colour station I managed to stumbe in plastic that was did`t let the colour be wasted and break both my palms, elbow, knee and hip.
I also didn`t manage to collaborate with colours. We had pink, yellow, blue and green stations and I only ended up in yellow and green.
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