
Lõunasöögiks võtsime kumbki tüki pannipitsat Buonocore Gelateriast. Väga huvitav maksekorraldus. Esitad ruumi ühes otsas tellimuse, saad kviitungi, millega liigud kassase, maksad, saad kviitungi, lähed tagasi esialgse leti juurde ja saad kauba. Minu jaoks mõttetult tüütu. See selleks. Magustoiduks proovisin mingeid sidruni ja pistaatsia palle. Nime kahjuks ei mäleta. Ma ei saa aru, miks peetakse vajalikuks sidruni maitse suhkruga ära tasakaalustada. Kui ma juba soovin sidrunit, siis ma soovin haput.
Blue Grotto järjekord |
Funikulööriga tagasi Marina Grandesse. Ostsime piletid paadireisile ümber saare. Esimesest paadist jäime maha, seega kaustasime aega praktiliselt, ostsime valmis bussipiletid järgmiseks päevaks ning leidsime üles ranna. Funikulööri järjekord oli kasvanud pikaks pikaks. Seekord olime valmis ja nautisime sooja, soolast vett 😍
I faraglioni |
Tunnike möödus märkamatult. Suundusime tagasi sadamasse ning asusime paadile. Meile sattus järjekordselt väga tore giid, kes rääkis piisavalt saare kohta.
Elevant |
Nägime ära Blue Grotto sissepääsu, sees ei käinud. Giid kohe ütles, et järjekorrad on peaaegu kahe tunnised, koopasse lubatakse kuni viieks minutiks, kui hästi läheb. Hinna sees on üks foto. Samas kaunis sinine vesi ümbritseb meid mujalgi.
Saime piisavalt aega pildistada i faraglioni kaljusid (ning sealt alt läbi sõita), vaatlesime hooneid ja tutvusime kohalike kinnisvara hindadega. Nägime elevanti (Arco Naturale) ja Grotta Biancat ning seal asetsevaid stalaktiite ning Maarja kujulist stalagmiiti. Ning helesine vesi.
Vaade toast |
No ja tagasi randa 💗 Vesi oli soolane. Puhas. Soe. Kui rannast lahkusime oli juba piisavalt hilja, et suurem turistide mass oli päevaks saarelt lahkunud. Järjekordne funikulöörisõit ja saime teha ära check-in`i. Tuba oli väga ilus. Kolmas korrus ja vaade merele. Hotelli jõudes möödusime lõunasöögi kohast Buonocore Gelateria kuhu oli tekkinud meetrite pikkune järjekord. Etteruttavalt, seal oli arvestatav järjekord ka õhtul, kui õhtusöögi järgselt päikeseloojangut vaatama liikusin.
I faraglioni |
Capri saar on u 10 ruutkilomeetrine. See on kaljune ja kaunis. Saare ajalugu ulatub juba rooma aega, mil ta oligi suvituskeskus. Iga-aastaselt külastab saart ca 2.3 miljonit turisti. Inimrohkust oli kõikjal tunda.
Giardini di Augusto |
Õhtusöögini oli veel aega, seega istusime Giardini di Augusto aias ning lihtsalt nautisime võrratuid vaateid. Sealt paistab Via Krupp siksakiline tänav, mis on kahjuks juba aastakümneid suletud; Marina Piccola, i faraglioni.

Õhtul jälgisin La Piazettal päikeseloojangut. Un compleanno da ricordare.
19th July. Il mio compleanno 😊 Port Molo Beverello, waiting in the ticket line and an hour or so later we reached Capri. We arrived at 10am. We got the tickets to the funicolare, there was a tiny line and we were up to La Piazetta.

We both had a slice of thick pizza for lunch from Buonocore Gelateria. Quite interesting way of paying. You place an order at one side of the room, you get a receipt that you show to the cashier who gives you a receipt that you show to the person who you ordered from and you get your purchase. For dessert I tried a lemon and a pistachio ball. Unfortunately I cannot recall their names. I just don`t understand why people try to balance the sourness with sweetness. If I order lemon flavour anything, I wish it to be sour and lemony.
I faraglioni |
The hour passed in a blink of an eye.
Grotta Bianca |
We headed back to the marina and got our places on the boat. Again, we had a wonderful guide. We got to see the entrance to the Blue Grotto, but we didn`t go inside. Our guide told us the line to get inside is about two hours. The grotto is tiny. You get five minutes inside, if you are lucky. And only one photo is incuded in the price. Besides we were surrounded by the blue water.
A street in Capri |
We got enough time to photograph i faraglioni, watched the buildings and were told about local real estate prices. We saw the elephant (Arco Naturale) and Grotta Bianca with its stalactites and the stalagmite in the shape of Virgin Mary. And the shiny bright blue water.
And then back to the beach 💗 The water was salty. Clean. Warm. When we left it was late enough so the majority of daily tourists had left. Another ride with the funicolare and it was time for our check-in. Our room was so lovely. Fourth floor with a sea view. When walking to our hotel, we passed Buonocore Gelateria that now had a considerable line of customers. There was also a considerable line when I walked back to La Piazetta after our dinner.
Via krupp |
Capri has about 10 squre kilometres. It is rocky and picturesque. The island has a long history dating back to the Roman times when it was already used as a resort. Every year about 2.3 million tourists visit the island.
We had dinner at Pizzeria Lo Sfizio. Seafood pasta and a sickly sweet lemon dessert. And a complimentary glass of limoncello. I had wanted to try that since my last trip in Italy. The drink is a lovely shade of yellow and it supposedly consists lemons (of some sorts). Based on grappa or vodka. Yuk. I didn`t even get a hint of lemon.
After dinner I enjoyed the sun setting from La Piazetta . Un compleanno da ricordare.
Another beautiful post, Ann. I felt as tho I was walking around right with you and Mom. I looked up the places you mentioned and your photos and descriptions were as good if not better than what google offered. Such wonderful rock formations, a most lovely garden, and the via Krupp photo made my stomach fall with all its depth! That is a most interesting street in Capri, there are your sour lemons growing, and the sunset was breathtaking. Thanks.