Sorrento |
18.07 Hommikul seadsime sammud Molo Beverello sadamasse (meist vähem kui kilomeeter), et suunduda Napoli lahe teisel kaldal olevasse Sorrentosse. Piletijärjekord oli hommiku poole üheksa paiku täiesti olemas. Loobusime rongisõidust. Rongijaama oli peaagu kolm kilomeetrit 😁
Sorrento |
Umbes kolmveerand tundi seilamist ja jõudsimegi kohale. Sorrento asub Amalfi rannikul. Umbes 16400 elanikku. Populaarne turistide sihtkoht, meelitades oma väikeste poodide, kohvikute, kaljuse ranniku ning sillerdava veega. Seal on ujumisrand. Kivine aga ikkagi korralikum kui Napoli oma musta liivaga. Ujumas kahjuks ei käinud, selle peale enne ei mõelnud. Ega pärast ei oleks olnud tore soolane ka olla aga see selleks. Emale meeldis, et tänavad olid puhtad.
Vallone dei Mulini |
Kohale jõudes sõitsime liftiga üles linna keskusesse. Linna paiknemine on lahe. Vaatasime üle Vallone dei Mulini e veskite oru. Piazza Tasso taga asuv org on uuristatud kahe jõe poolt. Nelja veski ajalugu ulatub 13. sajandisse.
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Lõhesalat |
Lõunaks võtsime Cheri kohvikust lõhesalati, mida nautisime Lauro pargis. Mina maitsesin ära un canneolo ja ema proovis lõpuks una sfogliatella.
Kõndisime mööda tänavaid, jõudsime veel kõrgemale, kesklinnale avanes kaunis vaade. Tagasi suundudes leidis ema endale sobiva rannakoti. Laeva oodates seisime jalgupidi meres. Oleks tahtnud ujuda.
Apelsinipuu |
Enne igat reisi uurin, mida kuskil vaadata/teha. Sorrento oli üks soovitatud sihtkoht, sellest ka valik. Sinna millegipärast tagasi ei tõmba. Vesi oli soe ja sinine, mägine rannajoon, turistinänn, ilus vaade aga ikkagi natuke i g a v.
Õhtuks, et hajutada hilisemaks plaanitud päeva kilomeetrite hulka, suundusime Napoli tunnelitesse. Napoli Sotterranea on võimalus Napolit kogeda hoopis teisest vaatevinklist, 40 meetri sügavusest maa alt. Pilet 10 eurot.
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Napoli Sotterranea |
Natuke rohkem kui tunniga saime põhjaliku ülevaate linna ajaloost. Kreeklaste poolt kaevatud tunnelid, millest hiljem said veehoidlad ja akveduktid, II MS aegsed pommivarjendid ja selleaegsed elutingimused. Linnas kõndides ei mõtle selle pealegi, mis kõik maa alla jääb. Tunnelid on üllatavalt kõrged, laiad, kitsad. Meile sattus väga tore giid, kes rääkis huvitavalt juhtides meid mööda kord valgustatud kord pimedat käes küünlad. Saime läbida 50cm laiuse tunneli, kaaluprobleemidega inimestel on seal raske. Kusjuures linnapildis märkasime üldse väga vähe suurema kaaluga inimesi. See selleks.
Kui maa-alune retk läbi, näidati meile rooma-aegse teatri säilmeid, mis ei ole majade ehitamist seganud. Teater peidab ennast praeguste majade seintes, lagedes, põrandates. Detaile on igal pool.
Õhtusöögiks mereanni pasta 😊 Kolmas? Trattoria Toledo.
Sorrento |
The boat ride took about 45 minutes. Sorrento lays on the Amalfi Coast. Approximately 16400 inhabitants. A popular tourist destination, luring with its tiny shops, cafes, rocky coastline ja glistening water. There is as beach. A stony beach but still nicer than in Napoli with its black sand. Unfortunately we didn`t go swimming. I wish I had thought about that. It wouldn`t have been nice to be salty afterwards but still. My mum liked the clean streets.
Canneolo |
We took a lift up to the centre. We got to see Vallone dei Mulini aka the Valley of the Mills. The valley behind Piazza Tasso was carved by two rivers. The flour mills, built from stone as far back as the 13th century.
We took a salmon salads from Cheri cafe for lunch. I got to taste un canneolo with ricotta and my mum finally ate una sfogliatella.
Sorrento |
We walked in the streets, reaches even higher. There are beautiful views of the bay. Wlaking back my mother found herself a suitable beach bag. While waiting for out departure we just stood in the warm water. I still wish I could have gone swimming there.
Sorrento |
Before each trip I research the place. Sorrento was one of the suggestions to see while in Napoli. For some reason I have no desire to re-visit it. The water was warm and blue, rocky coastline, tourist oriented stuff, beautiful views but still a bit d u l l.
In the evening we headed to Napoli underground. Napoli Sotterranea is an opportunity to look at Napoli from a totally another point of view. 40 metres under the ground. Ticket: 10 euros.
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Napoli Sotterranea |
With just over an hour we received a thorough overview of the city`s history. Tunnels dug by the Greeks that became water cisterns and Roman aqueducts and in the previous centry, during WWII these were used as bomb shelters. Walking in streets most people don`t think what is below them, The tunnels are incredibly high, wide, narrow. We had a wonderful guide, who made the hour pass quickly. We got to walk in the darkness holding a candle. We got to walk through a 50cm wide tunnel, I imagine impossible for people with weight problems. As it is, we noticed a very few overweight people in the city. Just a sidenote.
After we finished our underground tour we were shown remains of a Roman theatre that have not got in a way of constructions. The theatre hides itself in the buildings` walls, ceiling, walls. You can see details all around.
Another seafood pasta for dinner 😊 Third? Trattoria Toledo.
Ann, it is going to be wonderful, going around with you on this most recent trip. You are a great tour guide. Sorrento is beautiful. Omigosh but those to Nels are incredible, and by candlelight, it must have been a fantastic experience. My mind goes back to those airraids during the WWs, but obviously they predate that. Living in such a young country as I do, it boggles my mind to think of being present where ancient history was made. Thank you for theeffort you are putting into your travelogue.
ReplyDeleteSorry but that was supposed to be TUNNELS!