Edasi ootas tunniajane sõit
Santa Monica randa. Mida kilomeeter edasi, seda pilvisemaks läks. Liiklus venis. Randa jõudes oli juba lauspilves. Parkisin auto ranna juures olevasse suurde parklasse. 10$.
Esimesena proovisime järele
Vaikse ookeani temperatuuri. Algselt reisi kokku pannes ei pööranud ma ookeani temperatuurile üldse tähelepanu. Vaatasin ainult, et õues on 30+ kraadi, vesi on kindlasti soe. Võtsin eraldi päeva rannas veetmiseks. Alles paar kuud enne väljalendu sattusin juhuslikult leheküljele, kust selgus, et kõige rohkem on oodata ca 20C😶 Igatahes. Rannas päevitas (?) paar inimest, üksikud olid jalgupidi vees. Kahju, arvestades seal olevaid kauneid liivarandu.
Tegime jalutuskäigu
Santa Monica kail. Ikka erinevad söögikohad, meelelahutus ning esinejad. Route 66 pood. Sõime
Pier Burgeris ühe maitsetu burgeri, ootejärjekorras unustati kõigepealt meie tellimus ära ja siis anti valed asjad. Selleks ajaks ei viitsinud enam sellele tähelepanu pöörata.
Toiduturg |
Seejärel veel üks pikem sõit kesklinna. Parkimiskohad otsin alati enne reisi. Käisime
keskturul. Eks toiduturud on igal pool sarnased. Esimese korraga meenutas Balti jaama oma. Selleks ajaks olid burgerid söödud ja rohkema järgi isu ei olnud.
Bradbury hoone |
Üle tee asub 1893. aastal ehitatud viiekordne
Bradbury hoone. Esimesel korrusel on võimalik tasuta uudistamas käia, kuigi tegemist on töötava ärihoonega. See näeb väga kaunis välja. Metallist käsipuud ja puit. Pilte lubatakse teha telefoni või statiivita kaameraga.
The Last Bookstore |
Raamatunautlejate sihtkoht on ilmselt
The Last Bookstore. Suuruse poolest jääb see ikkagi mõnele raamatupoele alla kuid atmosfäär on õdus. Lisaks meelitatakse inimesi raamatutest ehitatud auguga raamatuseina, tunneli ja lendavate raamatutega.
Vaade LA linnavalistuse hoonest |
Külastasime Los Angelese
linnavalitsust. Sinna on võimalik külastajana registreeruda, mis tagab juurdepääsu kõrgel olevale vaatetornile, kust on võimalik imetleda linna neljast küljest.
The Broad |
Viimaseks peatuseks keslinnas oli moodsa kunsti muuseum
The Broad. Sissepääs on tasuta aga tasuta piletid tuleb soovitatavalt eelnevalt
broneerida. Kuna ma ei olnud kindel, kui palju me päeva jooksul teha jõuame, tegin broneeringu alles hommikul. Jõudsime ajaliselt väga täpselt.
The Broad |
The Broad asub
Walt Disney kontserdisaali kõrval. Mõlemad näevad väljast efektsed välja. Muuseum ise on lahe. Vaatamist on ja õnneks abstrakti mitte liiga palju.
Kunst |
Sellega piirdus meie külastus Inglite Linna kesklinnaga.
Sõistime tagasi Hollywood Boulevardile ning suundusime Elaine juurde. Kuna päeval ei olnud mõttekas võtta lisaaega toidupoe külastamiseks, käisime õhtul ka väljas söömas. Seekord
Sunset Thai Cuisine ja aasia köök.
Enne söömist käisime
Rockwalki poe juures oleval (rock)muusikutest tähtede alleel.
The Queen |
Õhtu veetsime jälle jalutuskäiguga Hollywood Boulevardil.
8th August. Elaine asked about our plans for the day at breakfast. Naturally I had everthing planned which surprised her a bit (doesn`t everyone plan their days while travelling? 😕). She was a bit unsure if we would manage to drive everywhere we wanted because of the traffic. Later I heard her ask the next people about their plans (Elaine`s B&B has 4 rooms all together) and they actually didn`t know what they would do and asked for her advice. Breakfast was delicious and plentiful. Well, the main thing I didn`t enjoy while staying there was my bed. I was given a camper`s bed and I would feel the strong springs every time I turned. Or just lay there.
We began our day in
Griffith Park again but this time to look at the film industry`s capital`s LA`s iconic 11 metres high and 106 mteres long
Hollywood sign. This iconic sign that was put up in 1923, was actually meant to be real estate advertisement.
At least one hiking track leads you up to the sign. I had actaully searched for the instructions, because if you don`t know about it, you won`t make it up. As the locals don`t like tourists walking past their homes, the homeowners have put up forbidding signs. But the sign has a surrounding fence around it so I decided to skip the hike. It would have meant leaving something out and we would have seen the sign from behind and we wouldn`t have got close anyway.
I parked on the hillside. I really don`t like to park like that. All the time I was wondering if my car would decide to roll down. I had searched for the coordinates at home and that left us close enough. The sun was shining. Beautiful weather.
Then we had about an hours drive to
Santa Monica beach. The more clouds appeared the more we drove. The traffic moved in snail`s pace. When we reached the beach, it was overcast. I parked our car in a big car park next to the pier. 10$.
First we wanted to feel the
Pacific Ocean. When I combined our trip, I didn`t pay any attention to the ocean`s temperature. I only saw that the outside temperatures would be 86+ F, so the water would definitely be warm. It was a couple of months before our departure when I stumbled across a page that shows oceans temperatures. The most it promised was 68F 😶 Anyway. We saw a couple of people sunbathing(?), one or two were in the water. Pity, considering the beautiful sandy beaches.
We had a walk on
Santa Monica Pier. Different fast food places and restaurants, entertainment and performers. Route 66 store. We ate a tasteless burger in
Pier Burger. We had to wait more than 30 minutes, I had to ask for our order three times and the last time I went to ask again, they seemed to have forgotten our order. And then they gave us wrong burgers. By then I was so irritated, I didn`t even bother to say anything about that. No apologies either.
Central Market |
Bradbury Bulding |
Then a longer drive to downtown LA. I always search for the car parks beforehand. We visited the
Grand Central Market. I guess food markets are similar everywhere. At first glance it reminded me of own
Balti jaam. By then we had eaten the burgers and didn`t feel like having anything.
Bradbury Building is located across the street. It was built in 1893 and it`s five stories high. You can visit the ground floor for free even though it is a functioning business building. It is gorgeous inside. You are allowed to take photos with a phone or with a camera without using a tripod.
The Last Bookstore |
Then we visited
The Last Bookstore. It should be every booklover`s destinantion if in LA. It is not the biggest bookstore I have been to but it`t got lovely atmosphere. And they try to lure people in with book wall with a hole, book tunnel and flying books.
View from LA City Hall |
We walked to Los Angeles
City Hall. If you register as a visitor you are allowed to see the viewing platform from where you can see the city.
The Broad |
Our last stop in the downtown was the museum of the contemporary art -
The Broad. The entrance is free but it is strongly advised to book
book your free tickets before your visit. I wasn`t sure how much we would be able to see during our day, I booked our tickets in the morning. But we reached there just on time.
The Broad |
The Broad is located next to
Walt Disney Concert Hall. Both of the buildings look interesting from the outside. The museum is cool. There is plenty to see and fortunately not too much abstract art.
And that completed our visit to the City of Angel`s downtown. We headed back to Hollywood Boulevard and Elaine`s . As I decided not to spend extra time visiting a grocery shop that day, we went out to eat. This time Asian cusine in
Sunset Thai Cuisine.
Oh, and before dinenr we also visited
Rockwalk, stars for (rock)musicians.
We spent our evening with a walk in Hollywood Boulevard.
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