Saturday, September 28, 2019

Morro Bay 10.08

10.08 Hommikusöögi uus kogemus. The Landing at Morro Bay hommikusöögilaud koosnes muffinist, koogitükist, keedetud munast, kiirpudru pakist ja puuviljast. Kõik tuli võtta kandikule ja oma tuppa transportida. Tavaliselt on ikka söögiala, ükskõik kui väike. Ahjaa, uhke kohvimasin oli ka. Lattet tehes hakkas pritsutama ning ujutas terve leti üle. Makstud hinna eest oli valik üliväike ja lahendus huvitav. Muidu ei häiriks aga ise nimetavad ennast butiikhotelliks. Kui Ailiga mai kuus Saaremaal Ekesparres käisime oli rikkalik valik ja personaalne teenindus. Ka butiikhotell.
Hearst Castle
Enne sööki oli muidugi plaan jalutamas käia aga hüljeste platvormist kaugemale ei jõudnudki😁

See oli siis päev, mis pidi olema rannas mõnulemiseks. Kuna see plaan tuli paar kuud varem ümber mängida, siis ostsin piletid Hearst Castle tuurile. Seal on ajastatud sissepääs ning iseseisvalt territooriumile ei lubata (rääkimata sellest, et giidiga ka ringi uidata ei saa).

Hearst Castle bassein
Meie külastus algas 10, siis ei pidanud hommikul tormama. Ookeani kohal laiutas udu. San Simeonist läbi sõites märkasin silmanurgast sebrat. Kuna ülemäära aega ei olnud, siis peatust teha ei saanud. Parkisime auto Hearsti parklasse, vahetasin netis ostetud voucherid piletite vastu ning suundusime bussi peatusesse.

Umbes pooletunnine bussisõit viis meid järjest kõrgemale ning päike tuli välja. Audiogiid jagas informatsiooni W.R.Hearsti ja tema arhitekti Julia Morgani ühise kontseptisiooni kohta, mille ehitus kestis 1919-1947. 

Mäe tipus võttis meid vastu giid, kelle juhtimisel ning meeleoluka etteaste saatel käisime tunni aja jooksul läbi neli tuba ning aia. Iga samm andis märku William Hearsti tohutust rikkusest. Algupäraselt mõeldud naise ja viie lapse jaoks perekonna koduks, ei meenuta nime poolest loss harjumuspäraseid losse Euroopas. Pigem on tegemist grandioosse hoonega, väga kauni ja suurustava hoonega. 

Hearsti lossis on oma kino, tenniseväljak, kirik, sise-ja välisbassein, osa Hogwartsi söögisaalist. Sealt avaneb võrratu vaade vaiksele ookeanile (sellel päeval küll uduloori all). William Hearst kogus kõike väärtuslikku, seal on originaalteoseid, mille koopiad on Louvres. 

Mäest alla sõites lootsin, et udu hajub. Edasi suundusime San Simeoni lonthülgeid uudistama. Sinna ma oleksin võinud ka jääda😍 Nii võimsad loomad, see heli, mida nad tekitavad. Lonthüljes on nii imelik nimi, inglise keeles elevanthülged. 

Seisin piirde taga, tegin pilte, vaatasin, olin kohal. Kodulehel väidetakse, et tippajal võib rannikul olla kuni 17000 looma. Tippajad siis jaanuaris, aprillis ja oktoobris. Lihtsalt imetlesin.

Maantee 1, mida mööda me liikusime, kulges mööda rannikuäärt. Tegime peaagu igas vaatepunktis peatuse. Seal oli metsikult oravaid. Julgeid oravaid, argu oravaid. Tahtsin pilti teha aga kui mõni minu suunas liikuma hakkas, oli kuidagi kõhe. 

Lõunapausi tegime San Simeoni muulil. Jälle ilus liivarand aga ujumiseks liiga jahe. Parklas märkasime 50dantest pärit autosid. Selgus, et väärikas eas härrad (ning prouad) on ise oma autod üles ehitanud või remontinud ning teostavad nende hooldust. Iga kuu käiakse koos sõitmas ja piknikku pidamas.
San Luis Obispo maakonda jääb veidi alla 6000 elanikuga Cambria väikelinn, mille nimetus on laenatud Walesi ladinakeelsest nimetusest. Peamiseks majandusharuks ikka turism. Peatänav on ääristatud kauniste britipäraste hoonetega. 

 Morro Baysse jõudes selgus, et üks tänav oli laada tõttu suletud. Jälle põnev avastus. Uudistasime kohalikku toidukaupa ning käsitööd. Käisime kaltsukates. Leidsin lõpuks mõne raamatu. Ja ühe kummalise nuku.

Õhtusöögiks suundusime uuesti Tognazzini`s Dockside restorani. Jäime eelmisel õhtul pakutud toidu ning hinnaga rahule. Sõin merekarbihautist (clam chowder), mida serveeriti saiast kausis. Oleks saanud tavalise kausi ka valida aga tahtsin järgi proovida. 

Tõime auto, sõitsime Morro Rocki juurde randa. Vanemad jäid autosse sooja, mina chillisin saarmaid jälgides. Mul on zoom objektiivi vaja. 
10th August Yet another new experience with breakfast. The Landing at Morro Bay offers a cupcake, a slice of cake, a boiled egg, an instant porridge package and a fruit. You have to pile all you choose to eat on a tray and take it to your room. I am used to a dining area, however small. Oh, I forgot about the fancy coffee machine that decided to give a tantrum when I wanted to make a latte and overflowed the table. The variety and the coice of breakfast was really poor for the asked price. And they call themselves a boutique hotel. When I visited Ekesparre in Saaremaa in Summer we had a plentiful breakfast and a personal service. They are a boutique hotel.

I had intended to walk before breakfast but I didn`t make it past the seal platform😁

Hearst Castle
So, this was the day, that we were supposed to spend on a beach. As I had to rethink that plan a couple of months earlier, I bought tickets for a tour in Hearst Castle. You cannot visit the castle on your own (not to mention, you cannot wander around even if you take the guided tour) and you have to choose a specific time for your visit.

Hearst Castle church
Our tour started at 10am, so we didn`t have to rush in the morning. A veil of fog was covering the ocean. As we were driving through San Simeon I saw a zebra from the corner of my eye. By then we didn`t have the time to stop. I parked in the Hearst Castle car park. I exchanged our vouchers for the tickets and we headed to the bus stop.  

It took about half an hour to reach the top of the mountain where the castle is located. As we were driving upwards, the sun came out. The audioguide informed us about the combined concept of  W.R.Hearst and his architect Julia Morgan that was built between 1919-1947. 

Hearst Castle pool
We were greeted by a guide, who led us through four rooms and a part of the garden during an hour. Everything we saw made it obvious how wealthy William Hearst was. The castle was built as a family home for Hearst, his wife and five children. The building does not resemble any castles I have seen. It is a huge, beautiful, grandiose building.

There is a cinema, church, tennis court, inside- and outside pools, a part of Hogwarts dining room. There castle offers great views of the ocean (unless it is covered in fog as it was that day). William Hearst collected everything expensive. There are several original paintings whereas Louvre has the replicas.
I was so hoping for the fog to dissolve while driving down the mountain. From there we drove to see the San Simeon Elephant Seals. I could have stayed there as well😍 The elephant seals are magnificent. They make such unique sound. 

I just stood there. Took photos. Looked. Stayed in the moment. The homepage states that there are up to 17000 animals on the shores at peak times in January, April and October. I simply stood there and admired the nature`s wonders.

The Highway 1, where we drove, runs by the shore. We stopped in every vista point. There are numerous squirrels. Brave squirrels, shy squirrels. I wanted to take photos of them but as soon as they started approaching me, I was spooked.

San Simeon Pier
We had lunch near the San Simeon Pier. Another wonderful sandy beach but the water was freezing. We noticed a group of cars from the 50s in the car park. It turned out they were owned by men (and women) in their respectable age, who had restored their cars and took them for a ride once a month to spend time together and have a picnic.

There is a small town of Cambria located in San Luis Obispo county. The name Cambria, chosen in 1869, is the Latin name for Wales. The primary economic activity of Cambria is tourism. The main street is bordered with cute little houses inspired by Great Britain.
Morro Bay
When we reached Morro Bay we saw a street was closed, because there was a fair. Another interesting discovery. We visited some second hand stores. I found some books at last. And a weird doll.
Morro Bay

We had dinner in Tognazzini`s Dockside restaurant again. We were happy with the food and the prices the previous day. I had a clam chowder, served in a white bread bowl. I could have had in a regular bowl but I had never eaten from a white bread dish, so I wanted to try that.

We fetched our car and drove to Morro Rock`s beach. My parents stayed in the car while I was chilling outside looking at the cutepie otters. I need a zoom lens. Any suggestions?

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