Seejärel suundusime 2.5km jalutuskäigule, suunaks Louvre, mida olin eelnevalt ainult filmides näinud. Tee viis meid üle Les Invalides esplanaadi ning jälgis Seine jõe kallast. Mõne aja möödudes paistiski tuttav püramiid. Esialgu olin üllatunud, et eelmüügist pileti ostjate rivi oli pikkkk, samas kui käsimüügi järjekorras oli vaevalt paar inimest. Kas tõesti pääsevad mõlemad järjekorrad korraga sisse? Aga jah, piletiostjad pääsesid sisse alles siis, kui eelmüügi omad olid sisenenud. Kõigi muuseumide külastamiseks tuli valida poole tunni kaupa kindel sisenemisaeg.
Kell 9 läks meie järjekord liikvele. Sisenedes kontrolliti meie kotte nagu lennujaamas. Veepudelitele oli keelumärk, samas keegi seda kotist välja ei palunud võtta.
Esimesena suundusime Liisat vaatama😁Mona Lisa, tõenäoliselt tuntuim maal maailmas, asub Louvre teisel korrusel, itaalia kunsti tiivas, sektsioonis 711. Maali eraldab inimestest klaas ning selleni jõudmiseks on piirdega ääristatud järjekord. Olen lugenud, et Mona Lisa on väiksem, kui arvatakse. Minu jaoks täiesti normaalsete mõõtudega. Nüüd siis ise ka ära nähtud.
Edasi jätkasime samal korrusel itaalia, prantsuse ja hispaania kunstnike töid imetledes. Nii tore oli maale ära tunda. Pigem ütleksin, et mõni maal on tunduvalt suurem, kui arvasin. Mona Lisa suurus mind üllatama ei pannud.
Järgnesid veel maale, kroonijuveelid, kaunid laed ja seinad. Richelieu tiiba jõudmine oli huvitav, sest vahepealne tiib oli suletud. Vaatasime lühikest filmi Louvre rajamisest ning ajaloost. 16.-17. sajandil oli see kuningate residents ning sellest sai muuseum, kui kuningas Louis XVI kolis Versailles lossi. Nagu mujalgi kirjas, kõiki korraga jälgida ei jõua. Meie olime muuseumis ca 3 tundi.
Kuna mul oli plaanis osta 5-päevane ühistranspordi pilet, siis mõtlesin kõigepealt sellega tegeleda. Tuli välja, et turismiinfo punkt on kolinud 31-29 Rue de Rivoli tänavale, kuigi Google Mapsi järgi asuvad nad alles eelmisel aadressil. Nüüd jäi pileti ostmise koht natuke eemale ning vaatasime esimesena Joan of Arc'ile püstitatud kuju ning suundusime lõunapausile Angelina kohvikusse.
Tripadvisori järgi pakutakse Angelinas Pariisi parimat kuuma šokolaadi. Mitte kakaod vaid just kuuma šokolaadi. Kahepeale jagamiseks tellisime Millefeuille ja Mont Blanci. Lisaks toodi meile pudel vett. Mina alustasin Millefeuille'st. Tõesti maitsev, mitte liiga magus. Samas, šokolaad oli täpselt nii magus, kui oodata võib. Selle lahjendamiseks serveeriti kusjuures maitsestamata vahukoort 😁Ailile maitses Mont Blanci kate, mina jätsin selle söömata. Tundub, et nii suur magusasõber ma ikkagi ei ole, kui arvanud olen. Angelina interjöör on omaette vaatamisväärsus. Soovitaksin just kohvikus käia, mitte letist kaasa osta.
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Hotel de Ville |
Ületasime Pont des Arts'i. Pont tähistab prantsuse keeles silda. Pont des Arts on praegusel kujul ehitatud eelmise sajandi lõpus, kuid algupäraselt, ehitatud 1802-1804, oli see esimene metallist sild Pariisis. Tagasi üle Pont Neufi, vanima algupärase silla üle Seine jõe Pariisis. Notre Dame on hetkel veel suletud, Ailil oli oma esimese Pariisi reisi ajal võimalus katedraali seestpoolt uudistada.
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Pompidou keskus |
Seejärel Pont d'Arcole ning infopunkt, kust ostsin ühistranspordi piletid. Infopunkt asub samas kaunis hoones Hotel de Ville'ga. Jälgisime selle ees oleval platsil inimesi ning aja kulgemist. Ilm oli lõunaks juba soojemaks läinud. Pont Notre-Dame.
Tagasiteel majutusse vaatasime üle Pantheoni ja kulgesime läbi 17. sajandist pärit Luxembourgi aia. Palees tegutseb tänapäeval senat. Tagasi majutuses tegime väikese hingetõmbepausi ning õhtusöögiks suundusime lähedal asuvasse Sushi Shop'i. Erm. Eestis pakutavad makid maitsevad mulle rohkem 😊
Et lõunane magusapomm ikka korralikult ära kulutada, ületasime veelkord Seine. No kui juba Pariisis, siis Eiffelit on vaja iga nurga pealt ning iga valgusega pildistada. Nägime Vabadusesamba leegi replikat, mis on ühtlasi printsess Diana hukkumiskoha lähedal olev mitteametlik mälestusmärk.
Õhtu viimane osa kulges Eiffeli ümber olevate aarete jahile. Peitmisviisid olid üllatavalt lihtsad, võrreldes meie omadega. Kõige põnevam oli kleidiga puu otsa ronida. "Beer? Wine?" oli pakkumine, mida õhtuti Eiffeli juures kõige sagedamini kuulsime. Lõpmatult nännimüüjaid, helendav Eiffel ja esimene päev oligi läbi saanud.
15th July The first morning in Paris greeted us with overcast skies but fortunately not rain. At home, following the weather forecast,
it seemed to rain almost daily for the previous two weeks. Breakfast at Les Jardins
d'Eiffel was perfectly adequate for me, although the choice remained the same
throughout the week. Scrambled eggs, bacon, hot sausages, cheese, ham, three
different yoghurts, a selection of pastries and toast, butter and jam. In addition, the waiter asked for our coffee/tea preference and room
number every morning. The first time she asked for our room number, I didn't understand why she offered us rum for breakfast.
The first destination of the day was the Louvre,
which I had only seen in movies. The 2.5km walk took us across the Esplanade of Les Invalides. After a while, the familiar pyramid came into view. Initially, I was surprised that the line of pre-sold tickets was long, whereas there were hardly any people in the counter-ticket line. I was wondering if both queues got in at the same time? But of course, the ticket buyers
only got in once the pre-sold ticket line had entered. We had to choose a
fixed entry time for all of the museums we visited.
At 9 o'clock our queue began to move. Upon entering, our bags were checked at the airport. Liquid bottles were prohibited, however, no one asked us to remove the water from our bags.
We first went to see Liisa😁. Mona Lisa, probably the most
famous painting in the world, is located on the first floor of the Louvre, in the wing
of Italian painters, section 711. The painting is separated from people by glass
and you have to queue to actually see it behind a border. I have read that the Mona Lisa is smaller than
expected. For me, it was just the right size. And I have seen it for myself now.
We then continued on the same floor, admiring the works of
Italian, French and Spanish artists. It was so nice to recognize some of the paintings. I
would rather say that some paintings are much larger than I thought. The size
of the Mona Lisa didn't surprise me in the slightest.
We admired the paintings, crown jewels, beautiful ceilings and walls. Reaching Richelieu's wing was interesting because the intermediate wing was closed. We watched a short film about the construction and history of the Louvre. In the 16.-17. century, it was the residence of the kings, becoming a museum when King Louis XVI moved the royal residence to the Castle of Versailles. As written elsewhere, you can't devour all the paintings and sculptures at once. Visiting Louvre took us about 3 hours.
Since I was planning to buy a 5-day public transport ticket,
I thought about dealing with it first. It turned out that the tourist
information point has moved to 31-29 Rue de Rivoli, although according to
Google Maps, they are still located at the previous address. As the tourist info was farther than I had expected, we found a statue of Joan
of Arc and headed to the café Angelina for lunch.
According to Tripadvisor, Angelina offers the best hot chocolate in Paris. Not cocoa, but hot chocolate. We ordered Millefeuille and Mont Blanc to share. In addition, thankfully, we were brought a bottle of water. I started with Millefeuille. Really delicious, and not too sweet. However, the chocolate was just as sweet as one might expect. To dilute it, we were served unflavoured whipped cream 😁Aili enjoyed the Mont Blanc coating, but I did not manage to eat it. Looks like I don't have as big a sweet tooth as I had thought. Angelina's interior is a sight in itself. I would definitely recommend going to the cafe instead of buying from the counter.
We crossed the Pont des Arts. In French, pont stands for bridge. The Pont des Arts is in its current form built at the end of the last
century, but originally, built in 1802-1804. It was the first metal bridge in
Paris. Pont Neuf is the oldest original bridge over the Seine in Paris.
Notre Dame is still closed at the moment. During her first trip to Paris, Aili
had the opportunity to explore the inside of the cathedral.
Then the Pont d'Arcole and the tourist information centre where I bought public transport tickets. The information centre is located in the same beautiful building as the Hotel de Ville.
We watched the people in the square
in front of it and enjoyed the passing of time. The weather had warmed up by
noon. Pont Notre-Dame. On the way back to our accommodation, we saw the Pantheon and walked through the 17th-century Luxembourg Gardens. The palace now
houses the Senate. Back at the accommodation we took a short breath and headed to
a nearby Sushi Shop for dinner. Erm. The makis I have had in Estonia have been way better 😊
In order to burn the lunch sweet bomb properly, we crossed
the Seine again. Actually, if you are already in Paris, you need to take pictures of the
Eiffel from every possible angle and with every possible light of the day. We saw a replica of the Flame of Liberty, which is also an unofficial memorial of Princess Diana, who died in a tunnel nearby.
We spent the last part of the day Geocaching near the Eiffel. The ways of hiding caches were surprisingly simple compared to
ours. The most exciting thing was climbing a tree and wearing a dress. "Beer?
Wine?" was an offer we heard most often at the Eiffel in the evenings.
Endless street vendors, the luminous Eiffel and the first day was over.
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