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Monet "Impression, Sunrise" |
18.07 Päike lõõmas juba taevas, kui me välja suundusime. Alustuseks lühike bussisõit ja kella kümneks ootasime Monet muuseumi ukse taga. Ikka järjekorras. Ja ka seal olid eelmüügi ning letimüügi piletijärjekorrad.
Musée Marmottan-Monet muuseumis olevale Claude Monet kogule panid aluse Jules ja hiljem tema poeg Paul Marmottan. 1934. aastast tegutseb hoones Académie des Beaux-Arts juhtimisel muuseum, mille põhirõhuks ongi Monet looming. Lisaks on septembrini üleval taani kunstniku, Krøyer'i näitus.
Marmottan-Monet muuseumis on üle 300 Claude Monet teose, nende hulgas "Impression, Sunrise", impressionismi alusepanija. Monet looming on minu cup of tea😊 Seal olid fragmendid Musée de l'Orangerie's eksponeeritud vesiroosidest. Päikesetõus. Loodus. Hingele pai.
Laupäeviti ja pühapäeviti kl 10-16 ja esmaspäeviti kl 11-17 on avatud Pariisi kirbukas. Aadressiks on küll märgitud 99 All. des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen aga tegelik turg on tunduvalt laialiulatuvam.
Kohale sõitsime bussi ja metrooga ning sõit lõppes Garibaldi peatuses. Metroo peatusest maa peale tulles tervitas meid juba mitme tänava pikkune turg. Pakuti kõike, mida ette kujutada. Korraks mõtlesin, et olen millestki valesti aru saanud aga see oligi turupäev. Lühikese jalutuskäigu pärast jõudsime juba kirbuturu algusesse.
Kirbukas oli täpselt nii lahe, kui ette võiks kujutada. Oleksin seal hea meelega terve päeva veetnud. Tänavate viisi vanakraami ja nipsasju. Edasi nn tavaline turukaup. Riided, jalatsid, asjad, elektroonika, *miks peaks keegi ostma roostetanud tööriistu?* Suurbritannias ja Iirimaal on kirbukad ja taaskasutuspoed kohad, milles leiduvate raamatutega täitub tavaliselt minu pagas.
Avasime oma krepi-skoori singi-juustu pontsaka pannukaga ning nautisime seda tänavakivil istudes😁
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Pére Lachaise |
Kui juba ühistranspordi piletit omada, siis on vaja sõita. Olingi päevad selliselt üles ehitanud, et pärast pileti aktiveerimist saame kaugemates piirkondades ringi liikuda.
Edasi ootas meid 1804. aastal rajatud Père Lachaise kalmistu. Suurbritannias ja Iirmaal maetakse tavaliselt lahkunud maasse, maa peale jääavad kaunid kelti ristid. Barcelonas kohtasime urnikalmistut, mida mina ei olnud varem näinud. Oscar Wilde
Père Lachaise on nagu linn linnas. Kalmud on nagu majad ning nende vahel kulgevad sõidu- või jalakäijate teed. Surnuaeda külastab aastas ca 3.5 miljonit turisti, olles kõige külastatum surnuaed maailmas. Sinna on maetud näiteks Edit Piaf, Oscar Wilde, Frederic Chopin ja Jim Morrison. Morrisoni haud oli ainuke, mida nägime, mis oli piirdeaiaga ääristatud.
Kalmistule sisenedes on seal kaart kalmude asukohaga, et neid oleks lihtsam leida. Rue Cremieux
Päeva viimaseks peatuseks oli värviliste majade poolest tuntud Rue Cremieux. Algupäraselt 19. sajandi keskel töölistele ehitatud majad veetlevad oma värvide ja lilleküllusega turiste. Inimesi oli päris palju, kuumalaine mõjus täis võimsusel, seega jalutasime tänaval aga ei jäänud eraldi tänava tühjenemist lootma/ootama.
Eelmisel õhtul jäi Eiffeli ääres jalutuskäik tegemata, seega valisime kõigepealt Eiffeli vaatega õhtusöögikohaks Popescu Constantin restorani.
Mina võtsin lõhe koos ratatoulle'ga. Magustoiduks magusa mix rohelise teega. Magustoidus pidin kahjuks pettuma. Šokolaadi kreem oli pigem kuiv, tagurpidi õunakoogiga saan sama hästi hakkama ja väike, mitte väga eriline makroon. Lõhe ja ratatoulle olid head.
Päeva saatsime õhtusse Eiffeli juures olevas pargis. Ootasime ära päikeseloojangu ning Eiffeli tuledesse mattumise. Ohh, need tüütud "wine? beer?" pakkujad.
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Marmottan-Monet Museum |
18th July The sun was already blazing when we headed
out. We started with a short bus ride. At 10am we were queueing for Musée Marmottan-Monet. There were seprate queues for pre-sale and
counter ticket buyers.
The Claude Monet collection at the Musée Marmottan-Monet was
founded by Jules and later by his son Paul Marmottan. Since 1934, the Académie
des Beaux-Arts has housed a museum there, with the main focus on Monet's work. In
addition, there is an exhibition by Danish artist Krøyer until September.
The Marmottan-Monet Museum houses more than 300 works by Claude Monet, including "Impression, Sunrise", inspiring the name of Impressionism. Monet's creation is my cup of tea😊 There were fragments of water lilies of the paitings on display at the Musée de l'Orangerie. Sunrise. Nature. Made my soul purr.
The Parisian flea market is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10
am to 4 pm and on Mondays from 11 am to 5 pm. The address in Google Maps is 99 All. des
Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen, however, the actual market is much wider.
We took a bus
and a subway to the Garibaldi. Exiting the
metro stop, we were already greeted by a market that was several streets long. People sold everything you could think of. For a moment I thought I had
misunderstood something, Sunday was also a market day. After a short walk we reached
the beginning of the flea market area.
The flea market was just as cool as I had imagined. I would have liked to have spent the whole day there. Streets full of old things and trinkets. Clothes, shoes, things, electronics, *why would anyone buy rusty tools?* When I travel to the UK or Ireland, flea markets and second hand shops are my favourite places to find cheap books to fill my luggage.
We opened our crepe score with a ham-cheese crepe and enjoyed it sitting on the pavement😁
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Pére Lachaise |
If you have a public transport ticket, it is wise to
use it. I had planned our days so that we would visit the more distant places on the days we had activated the tickets. The Père Lachaise Cemetery,
built in 1804, was our next destination. In Britain and Ireland, the deceased are
usually buried in the ground, whil beautiful Celtic crosses indicate their final resting place. In Barcelona,
we visited an urn cemetery, which I had never seen before.
Père Lachaise is like a city in a city. The tombs are as tiny houses and there are driveways or pedestrian paths between them. The
cemetery is visited by about 3.5 million tourists a year, being the most
visited cemetery in the world. For example, Edit Piaf, Oscar Wilde, Frederic
Chopin and Jim Morrison were buried there. Morrison's tomb was the only one we
saw that was bordered with a fence. When entering the cemetery, there is a map with the
location of the tombs to make them easier to find.
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Rue Cremieux |
The last stop of the day was Rue Cremieux, known for its colorful houses. Originally built for workers in the middle of the 19th century, the houses attract tourists with their colours and abundance of flowers. There were quite a lot of people, the heat wave was full on, so we walked down the street but did not hope / wait for the street to empty.
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View from Popsecu Constantin |
During the previous night we didn't spend our evening near the Eiffel. So for dinner, we chose the Popescu Constantin restaurant with a view of the tower.
odrered salmon with ratatoulle. For dessert, I chose a mix of desserts and green tea.
Unfortunately, I was disappointed with the dessert. The chocolate mousse was
rather dry, I can make apple tarte tarin just as well at home. And a tiny, not that good macaron. The salmon and ratatoule were good though.
We spent the evening in the park near the Eiffel. Ohh, those annoying
"Wine? Beer?" vendors.
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