31.07 Barcelona. Barcelona. Kes ei tea minu peas kõlavat laulu, siis tutvustuseks
Isa küsis eelnevalt, kas lennujaamas lennu maandudes meile ikka mängitakse Queeni ja Montserrat Caballé "Barcelonat." Oi, sel juhul vaesed lennujaama töötajad 😀
Varahommikul väljasõit Tallinna lennujaama, reisikaaslaseks Aili. Õues 13 kraadi, hambad plagisesid. Kell 7 startisime kõigepealt Münhenisse ning sealt edasi Barcelonasse. Lennujaamast natuke pärast kolme välja astudes tabas pahvakuna soe õhk. Päike.
Bird House
Otsisime üles bussi, mis viis meid kesklinna, meie järgmise nelja öö majutuskoht Bird House bussipeatusest mugavalt u 200 meetri kaugusel. Check-in kiire, võõrustaja väga abivalmis. Ainsaks probleemiks oli Bird House ja Booking.com vaheline infovahetus aga see sai (küll pärast reisi aga siiski) ilusti lahendatud. Meie tuba oli minimalistlik aga mis peamine, suurepäraselt töötava konditsioneeriga. Seadsime end sisse ning suundusime Barcelona melusse.
Kasutan vajadusel tee leidimise juba mitmendat reisi (kui mõtlema hakata, siis kogemustega reisikorraldaja juba😁 Hetkel planeeritud ja teostatud kuus tripi) google maps offline kaarti. Suurepärane viis sihtpunktini liikumiseks (eeldusel muidugi, et mu telefon koostööd teeb ja gps signaali tuvastada suudab. Õnneks oskan orienteeruda ka). Kuna esimeseks õhtuks konkreetne plaan puudus, siis valisin esimeseks sihtkohaks Barcelona katedraali. Kulgesime mõnusas tempos, nautisime soojust, huvitavaid poekesi, inimeste jälgimist. Barcelonakupatab inimestest. Lisaks oma 1.6 miljonile inimesele, u 300 000 rohkem kui terves Eesti riigis, on seal eriti suvel masside viisi turiste.
Barcelona katedraal
Barcelona katedraal on võimas gooti stiilis ehitis. Kes mind teab on kursis minu huvist gooti ja juugend stiilide vastu. Oh, Barcelonas on eraldi Gooti linnaosa😍Katedraali ees toimetas kirbu- ja antiigiturg. Pühamusse me ei sisenenud, sest õlad olid katmata ning usinatelt ärinaistelt nende katteks salli ostma ei hakanud. Edasi seadsime sammud mere äärde. Barcelona on imeilus linn oma 4.2 km pikkuse liivarannaga. Ma ei ole rannal lesija aga ma jumaldan laineid. Õhtuks ujumisriideid selga ei hakanud panema aga tahtsin varbad vette pista. Soe vesi ja suured lained, millega ma ei osanud pahkluuni vees olles arvestada ja mis päädis ootamatu suplusega.
Õhtusöögiks leidsime rannale vaatega Lotoralsöögikoha ning sain ära proovida esimese toidu oma Barcelona toidu check-listist, mereandidega paella. Yum kui hea. Siis oli aeg suunduda vaikselt tagasi majutuskoha poole. Tänavakaupmehed hakkasid oma müügipunkte sulgema ja "kaamlid" tekke kokku pakkima. Lugesime randa jõudes 50 eurose trahviga tekkide pealt kauba ostmise eest hoiatavat silti, millest ei teinud välja ei ebaseaduslikud müügimehed, turistid ega ka hulgaliselt nähtaval olev politsei. Barcelonas märkasime terve nädala jooksul väga palju relvastatud ja relvastamata politseinikke.
Päev oli õhtusse jõudnud, akna taga undas kellegi konditsioneer.
12,9km Tundub, et meie saime Barcelonas käidud õigel ajal, pidades silmas praegust turistidevastast meeleolu. Kohutav. Kas turistide puudus majutusasutusi ja toidutööstust ei puuduta? Aga sellele teemale postitustes rohkem sõna ei anna.
31st July Barcelona. Barcelona. For those who doesn`t know the song playing in my head: My father had asked me previously does the airport play Queen`s and Montserrat Caballé`s "Barcelonat." Ouch, poor airport staff in that case 😀
We started our drive towards Tallinn Airport early in the morning, my great companion, Aili and I. It was 13C outside. My teeth were chattering. Our flight departed at 7am to Munich and then to Bacelona. We arrived at about 3pm. Stepping out of the airport the warm air greeted us. Sun.
Bird House
We located the bus that took us to city centre with our accommodation, Bird House, comfortably about 200m from the bus stop. The check-in was fast, our host cheerful and helpful. The only issue was the mis-communication between Bird House and Booking.com but that resolved (after our trip, but still) in the end. Our room was minimalistic, but the main thing, it had a great, working conditioner. We got settled and were ready to go.
If necessary, I use google maps offline maps to find my way (to come to think about it, I am already an experienced travel agent 😁 By now I have planned, organized and carried out six trips). This is a wondeful tool to find my destination (given that my phone cooperates and manages to find the gps signal. A good thing I can orientate). As I had no certain plan for the first evening, I chose Barelona cathedral as our first destination. We enjoyed walking, the warmth, interesting shops and watching the people. Barcelonais packed with people, in addition to about 1.6 million people living there, approximately 300 000 more that in entire Estiona, it packed with tourists.
Barcelona Cathedral is a gorgeous gothic building. Those who know me, know who I adore gothic and art nevou architecture. And Bacelona has a gothic city block 😍There was a charming flea- and
antiques market in front of the cathedral. We did not enter the church though because our sholders were uncovered and we didn`t want to buy an expensive scarf from the active ladies selling them.
Then we made our way to the sea. Barcelona is a gorgeous city with its 4.2 km sandy beaches. I don`t enjoy lying on the beach but I love the waves. We hadn`t changed into our swimming clothes for the evening but I did want to feel the sea with my toes. Warm water and big waves, that I did not consider having only my feet in the water, brough about me getting soaked until my waist.
We had dinner in Litoral, a charming restaurant by the sea and I got to taste the first thing in my Barcelona food check-list, seafood paella. Yum.
Then it was time to head back to our accommodation. The street merchants were slowly closing up and the "camels" were packing up their blankets. When we reached the beach, we saw a warning sign, threatening with 50-euro fine if buying anything from the people selling goods on their blankets even though neither the sellers, tourists nor the numerous police officers took no notice of it. Being in Barcelona we saw loads of armed and not armed police officers in the streets throughout the enitre trip.
The day had reached its end, a conditioner was making a loud noise behind our window.
It seems we managed to visit Barcelona just in time, considering the present hate towards tourists. Appalling. Doesn`t lack of tourists affect the numerous accommotaitions or the food industry? But this is the only time I will mention this in my postst.
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