Oban |
6:50 olin Alderlea House juures. Vanemad sappa ning sadamasse. Selleks päevaks olin Staffa Toursilt ostnud Staffa ja Iona külastuse (teoreetiliselt Mullil ka aga seal ainult bussis). Sadamas nägin, et kui välja arvata 1 mees, siis kõigil oli seljakott kaasas. Eem.. Mis mul tähelepanuta oli jäänud? Kell 7:30 (tegelikult küll paar minutit varem) oli väljasõit. Kaugenevat Obanit jälgides nautisin oma hommikueinet.
Staffa |
Kes on käinud Iirimaal Gigantide rannikule teab, milline Staffa ehitus on. Kuigi Staffa saarena on kindlasti vägevam vaatepilt. Sambad on moodustunud tardunud laavast.
Fingali koobas |
Alustasime koopaga. Rada sinna kulges mööda (heksagonaalseid) kive, võimalus vajadusel ühel pool olevast nöörist tuge leida.
Fingali koobas |
Pärast enamiku inimeste lahkumist olid nemad ka nõus koopasse sisse tulema. Fingali koopal on arvatakse olevat hea akustika tema 20m kõrguse, võlvikujulise lae ja lainete koostöö tõttu.
Pärast seda suundusime saare teise otsa puffineid jahtima. Teiste järel koopasuus oodates läks oodatust kauem aega (ja teoreetiliselt on lootus puffineid näha mõnes muus kohas ka) ning lõpuks kohale jõudes kartsin, et aega ei piisagi.
Tardis on kuju muutnud 😮 |
Dùn Ì tipus |
563.a ehitas Iiri munk Columba saarel kloostri, millest sai alguse ristiusu levik Šotimaal ja Põhja-Inglismaal. Soovi kloostrit seest poolt näha ei olnud, vanemad jäid saare peatänavale chillima ning mina vallutasin Iona kõrgeima tipu Dùn Ì, kõik tema 101 meetrit 😁
Iona |
Mustad lambad |
Mägiveised |
Päeva lõpetuseks võtsime koos ette tõusu McCaigi towerisse.
Oban |
By 6:50am as was at Alderlea House.Took my parents and together we walked to the harbor. I had bought Staffa and Iona tour tickets from Staffa Tours for that day (theoretically Mull as well but we spent our time only in a bus there). In the harbor I saw that, with the exception of one man, everyone carried a backpack. Had I missed something? At 7:30 am (acutally a few minutes earlier) we sailed to the sea.
About 45 minutes later we arrived on the fourth biggest island in Great Britain, Mull and we continued our journey in a bus. I was a bit startled because it began to rain. Weather forecast hadn`t said anything about rain and we didn`t have our car nor did we carry our umbrellas. Fortunately it stopped long before we reached our destination. And then I saw a highland cow through the window 😮 an animal I had longed to see so very much. Trhough a bus window. Single-lane road, low hills, the coast. Occasional highland cattle. About an hour later we reached another harbor. And there they were. Four highland cows. Chilling on the beach. Out of my reach 😲
Staffa |
Staffa |
Everyone who has visited the Giant`s Causeway in Ireland will know what Staffa looks like. Although Staffa as an island is more impressive.
Fingal`s cave |
We decided to see the cave first. To get there we had to walk on the interesting basalt pillars and could hold on to rope attached to the wall if needed.
The track leading inside the cave was narrow. There is a rope to hold on to but coming back the people going in were closer to the wall and rope and people leaving were risking to fall into the sea. My parents were a bit unsure whether to walk inside (I suppose the water was cold 😁).
After most had left my parents finally got to see the magnificent cave. Fingal`s cave has got natural acoustics due to its 20m height, arched ceiling and the waves.
After that we headed to the other side of the island to see the puffins. Waiting to get to the cave took a lot of time and I was afraid we wouldn`t have enough time. A huge flock of puffins flew above a cove.
I was fascinated. These tiny, colourful birds were everywhere. I watched them as long as possible and then it was time to hurry back to the boat. Then I understood that an hour on this island is no way enough.
Iona Abbey |
About half an hour boat ride took us to Iona. Back in the boat in two hours. First we found a place to eat (we could choose from five places if tripadvisor is correct. Although we only saw two) and enjoy the glimmering nature.
Black sheep |
In 563 an Irish monk St Columba founded an abbey in Iona that played a crucial role in the conversion of Christianity in Scotland and northern England. We did not wich to visit the abbey and my parents chose to stay in the main street of Iona. I conquered the highest point of Iona, Dùn Ì, and all of its 101 metres😁
I wandered on the sandy beach, admired the black sheep and again? The time was up?
McCaig`s Tower |
Oban |
We had dinner in Oban Bay Fish Bar&Restaurant and are crispy mix of sea food. Wish I had known they were deep fried. Crispy should have indicated that but apparently I have a slow mind at times.
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