Dunkeld Ahtoll fountain |
Esimene peatus Dunkeld & Birnabis. Dunkeld & Birnab on kaks kõrvutiasetsevat väikelinna, mida eraldab Tay jõgi. Dunkeldi elanike arvuks loetakse 1170 inimest. Vaatasime üle kauni Atholli purskkaevu ja Dunkeldi katedraali. Atholli purskkaev rahastati kohalike elanike poolt ning see valmis 1866. aastal 6. Atholli hertsogi, George Augustus Federic John Murray mälestuseks, kes tõi Dunkeldisse kanalisatsiooni. Dunkeldi katedraali ajalugu ulatub 9. sajandisse kuid praegune hoone pärineb 14. saj. Pika ehitusaja tõttu on kasutatud erinevaid ehitusstiile. Hetkel oli hoone osaliselt taastamisel.
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Edradour viskitehas |
Viski valmib |
Pitlochry tamm |
Cargills sändwich ja krõpsud |
Pitlochry peatänav on ääristatud erinevate poekeste ja söögikohtadega. Inimesi oli liikvel päris palju. Parkisin ühe suurema toidupoe ette ja kehakinnitamiseks oli Cargills, koorega kartul ja sändwich. Pitlochry elanike arv 2011 a rahvastikuloenduse järgi on 2276 ning 29% elanikest on vanemad kui 65. Linna külastab palju turiste, see asub looduskaunis kohas ning sealt lähtub mitmeid matkaradu. Üheks vaatamisväärsuseks on Pitlochry hüdroelektijaama tamm.
Ardverikie väravamaja |
Olin mõelnud külastada ka Blair lossi aga viskitehase külastus võttis oodatust natuke kauem ning majutuskohas pidime olema kella 18:00ks, seega kulges sõit edasi Loch Nessi suunas. Tegime väikese pildistamispeatuse Ardverikie väravamaja juures. Ardverikie mõis on tuttav kõigile Oruvalitseja jälgijatele. Korraks oli mõttes ka mõisa juures käia kuna see jäi täpselt meie marsruudile aga see oleks tähendanud ligi kolmemiilist jalustuskäiku (ja loomulikult sama pikka maad tagasi) ning viide eelnevaltmainitud check-in ajale. Jääb järgmiseks korraks. Ja kui kellelgi on huvi seal peatuda, siis Ardverikie pakub ööbimiseks erinevaid majakesi.
Kettle House |
Sinna läheks iga kell tagasi. Meie võõrustaja Natalie oli väga positiivne ja abivalmis. Maja ise ning meie tuba jätsid võrratu mulje. Olin kaardilt vaadanud tee Fort Augustuse keskusesse aga Natalie juhatas meid kanaliäärset maalilist teed kaudu.
Fort Augustus, lüüsid |
Fort Augustus |
Õhtusöögikohaks valisime Nessi kaldal oleva The Boathouse. Mõnus lõhefilee ja üle pika aja jälle sticky-toffee pudding (kuigi mitte parim, mida ma Šotimaal süüa sain).
The Boathouse, sticky toffee pudding |
17th July The first morning in Edinburgh. Quite far from the city centre, but still :) Big enough continental breakfast. I took the bus back to the airport to fetch our car. I have been satisfied with Avis
so it was my choice this time also. Receiving our car was quick. I had the opportunity to test a Ford Fiesta. It looked rather small but had a reasonable boot. And I still adore left-sided traffic :)
Dunkeld Cathedral |
Our first destination was Dunkeld &Birnab. Dunkeld & Birnab are two adjacent towns that are divided by River Tay. Dunkeld`s population is 1170 people. We enjoyed the beautiful Atholl memorial fountain and Dunkeld Cathedral. Atholl fountain was built in 1866 and its construtcion was funded by the people. It was a monument to George Murray, 6th Duke of Atholl.
Dunkeld cathedral originates from the 9th century but the current building dates back ftom the 14th century. Due to the long building period different styles are used.
Jacket potato, Cargills |
Pitlochry`s main street is surronded by shops and cafes. There were a lot of people wandering around. I parked in front of a grocery shop and headed to Cargills, jacket potato and a sandwich. Pitlochry has the population of 2276 and 29% of the people are older than 65. The town is visited by numerous tourists every year. It is situated in a stunning surroundings, it is the starting place of many hiking tracks. One of the sights is Pitlochry hydroelectical dam.
Pitlochry |
I had also thought to visit Blair castle but visiting the distillery took a bit longer than I had anticipated and we had to be at our B&B by 6pm so we headed on towards Loch Ness. We took a tiny photostop at Ardverikie gatehouse. Ardverikie manor is familiar to everyone who has watched Monarch of the Glen. For a moment I had thought to see the gorgeous manor as it was directly on our route but it would have meant a neary 3 mile walk (and the same back) from the gatehouse and as stated, we had our check-in time to consider. I guess it`s for next time. And if anyone is interested, Ardverikie offers accommodation :)
On to southern tip of Loch Ness and Fort Augustus, where our next guesthouse waited. Kettle House B&B is simply amazing.
I would stay there again any time. Our host Natalie made us feel really welcome. She is so positive and helpful.
Back home I had looked for the way to Fort Augustus centre but Natalie led us via a lovely walk by the canal.
Fort Augustus, locks |
Fort Augustus, the locks |
Nevertheless there is a primary school. I got to see for the first time a boat being transported from lower to higher in a canal by locks. That is an interesting sight.
For dinner we chose The Boathouse, a cute restaurant by Loch Ness. Delicious honey salon fillet and at long last delicious sticky-toffee pudding again (although not the best I ate in Scotland).
The Boathouse, honey salmon |
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