Sunday, August 31, 2014

Éire vol2 day one

Olla tagasi Iirimaal oli imeline. Tegelikult on reisist möödas juba rohkem kui kuu aga ma pole kirjutamiseni jõudnud.

Meie ettevalmistused reisiks algasid eelmisel detsembril. Ma reisisin koos sõbraga, kellega me sattusime juhuslikult samadele grupireisidele. Seekord otsustasime koos rännata. Niisiis, ostsin lennupiletid, broneerisin auto ja majutuse. Kui aus olla, siis see ettevalmistusprotsess on olnud üks kõige stressirikkamaid kogemusi. Ettevalmistus ise oli kerge aga suhtlus..

Being back in Ireland for the second time was amazing. It has actually been more than a month since the trip but I just haven`t got around to writing about it yet.

Our preparations for the trip started last December. I travelled with a friend of mine I met during two previous trips (these times organized by travel agencies and we just happened to be on the same tours). This time we decided to travel together. So I bought plane tickets, booked a car and accommodations. To be honest, this particular preparation process was one of the most stressful experiences I have endured. Ever. Preparation was piece of cake but communication..

So, our journey started on July 15 at 4.30 at Tallinn airport. The compulsory 2 hours before our flight was dull. First flight took us to Copenhagen (1 and half hours to kill and nothing to do) and the connecting flight to Dublin. Waiting for flights is the one thing I dislike about travelling. But soon enough we landed in Dublin. After claiming our luggage we set out to find the Avis desk, then a coach took us to the car park, I got the keys and the trip could begin.

This was my first time driving on the left side of the road. I was a bit nervous but I had been preparing myself with the thought ever since I decided to drive in Ireland (instead of taking another group tour by bus). The funny thing is, as soon as I was behind that wheel (we were given a Vauxhall Corsa 1.4 ) I knew exactly on which side to drive, where to be after turns, where to look. And on further note, I absolutely loved Ireland`s traffic and roads. Oh, that completely changed the way I used to think about narrow lanes before. Being back home all the roads and parking spaces seem so spacious. Not to mention it has taken me so long to get re-accustomed with our traffic (weird).
St Patrick, Tara
I had Tom with me (TomTom Europe) to lead the way, it was such a blessing. I did have a paper map just in case but Tom was irreplaceable and oh so convenient.

First destination was Hill of Tara. I had been there before (like half of the other places) but my travel companion had not.

Galway Cathedral
From Tara we headed to Galway and our hotel. Every time I have travelled in Great Britain (looking out of the bus window or walking around) I have wondered about the teeny-tiny parking spaces in front of houses and I had to park my car in one of those. So proud of myself. So we checked in Asford Manor Guesthouse, left our things at the hotel and headed to the city centre. Asford Manor Guesthouse is just couple of minutes walk from Galway`s centre. We took a walk through the park, ate pizza, saw a cathedral walking by a river and headed to rest.

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