Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sloveenia päev 7 /day 7

24.07 Mida paremat teha (vara)hommikul uues kohas kui käia jalutamas ning pilte tegemas? :) Äratuskellaks vajadust ei olnud, nende kuueks olin oma avastusretkeks valmis.

Ljubljana on Sloveenia pealinn, olles oma ca 272 000+ elanikuga üks väiksemaid pealinnu Euroopas (maailma riikidest 148.ndal kohal, Euroopas vähima rahva arvuga riikidest 10.). Kesklinn on kõigist külgedest Ljubljanika jõega ümbritsetud, seda ühendavad ülejäänud (vana)linnaga 17 (peamist) silda.

Esimesena vaatasin uuesti üle majutusele kõige lähemad sillad.

Meie majutuskoha vahetusse lähedusse jäi 1901. aastast pärit Draakonisild, mis on mõeldud põhiliselt autoliikluseks. Draakonid on Ljubljana (nagu ka Walesi ;) ) sümbol kuna legendi kohaselt tappis linna rajaja Jason oma kaaslastega seal draakoni. Silda ehivad neli draakoni kuju.

Kolmiksild ühendab traditsioonilist vanalinna tänapäevase linnaosa ning Prešereni väljakuga. Selles kohas mainitakse puusilda 1280.ndal aastal. Silda uuesti ehitatud pärast tulekahju 17.sajandil ning tänapäevasele sillale pandi alus 19. sajandi keskel. 1931. aastal projekteeris Sloveenia arhitekt Jože Plečnik sellele kaks lisasilda, mis avati juba järgmisel aastal.

Lihuniku sild

Nende vahele jääb Lihuniku sild, mis on mõeldud jalakäijatele ning avati alles 2010. aastal. Jože Plečnik planeeris samanimelist silda juba 1930.ndatel aga Teine maailmasõda lükkas need mõtted tulevikku.

Ei suutnud vastu panna ning seadsin sammud uuesti Metelkova tänavale lootuses leida see inimtühjana. Aga juba hommikul kell 7 leidsin eest mitmeid lõbutsevaid inimesi.

Uitasin tänavatel kuni jõudsin tagasi jõeni ning ületasin Kingsepa silla. Kingsepa sild on üks vanimaid sildu Ljubljanas pärinedes algupäraselt sajandist. Algselt oli tegemist puusillaga kuid seda on mitmeid kordi renoveeritud.

Ljubljana turg ja katedraal
Hommikusöök oli võib-olla mõnevõrra tagasihoidlikum. Sai, juust, salaami, jogurt, puuviljad. Pärast seda veel väike ring Tivoli parki.

Kell 10 ootas meid tunniajane paadisõit Ljubljanka jõel. Tihedat paadiliiklust märkasime juba eelnevalt. Võib-olla eraldi sõitma ei olekski läinud aga see oli juba Urbana kaardi sisse arvestatud. Mõnus vaheldus.

Pärast seda seadsime sammud Kreki väljakule funikulööri suunas. Minutiline sõit viib 70 meetrit kõrgemal oleva lossini.
Ljubljana loss  on pärit 11. ndast sajandist ning asub Ljubljana vanalinna keskel oleval Lossi mäel. Vaatetornist avaneb ilus panoraamvaade tervele linnale: punastele katustele, jõele, äärelinnale, mägedele. Loss ise valmistas pettumuse. Ruume, kuhu pääses oli suhteliselt vähe. Saime näha nukunäitust ja kaasaegset kunsti aga see ei moodustanud ühtset tervikut.

Pärast lõunasööki tegime lähemat tutvust bussiliiklusega. Käisime vaatamas Sloveenia Raudteemuuseumi, mis jättis tunduvalt kompaktsema mulje kui loss. Suures saalis on näha auruvedurid, eraldi saalides igasugused rongiliiklusega seotud esemed.

Edasi ca 30km autosõitu kesklinnast eemale Botaanikaaeda. Piletiputkas tekkis jälle probleem meie Urbana kaartide valideerimisega. Seekord oskasin töötajaid juba ise juhendada ;) Botaanikaaed on mõnusalt suur, 85 hektarit, ning seal kasvab ca 3500 taime. Lisaks linnud ja tiigis kalad. Kahjuks sattusime kohale lillede jaoks natuke valel ajal, tulbinäitused on kevadel ja roosid hakkasid juba vaikselt oma aega ära elama.
Ühte Inglise aedadest oli loodud tohutu suurte dinosauruste näitus. Kaugelt müristas. Oleksin tahtnud natuke suurema ringi teha aga see jääb järgmiseks korraks..

Pärast õhtusööki jätsin vanemad jälle ühte tänavakontserti kuulama ning leidsin ennast järjekordselt Ljubljana tänavatelt uitamas.

25.6 km :)
The Ljubljanica River & the Triple Bridge
24th July What else to do early in the morning in a new city to wander around and take photos without people on them?  :) No need for the alarm clock, by 6 am (for them) I was ready to head out.

A schoolhouse in Ljubljana
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Having the population of only 272 000 + people, it is one of the smallest capitals in Europe (148th in the world. 10th of European smallest capitals). The city centre is surrounded by the Ljubljanca River from all sides and has the connection with the rest of the city by 17 (main) bridges.
The Dragon Bridge

Some of the bridges first.

The closest bridge to our B&B is the Dragon Bridge from 1901, ment for traffic and replacing an older wooden bridge. Dragons are symbols of Ljubljana (as thay are of Wales ;) ) because according to legend Jason, the founder of the city, slayed a dragon there. The Bridge`s main attractions are four dragon statues standing on pedestals at its four corners.

The Triple Bridge
The Triple Bridge connects the historical part of the city and the modern side with Prešeren Square. There is mention of a wooden bridge in this location from 1280. The bridge has been re-built after a fire in the 17th centry and basis of nowadays bridge were built in the middle of the 19th century. In 1931 Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik designed two footbridges on each side of it.

The Butcher`s Bridge

The Bucher`s Bridge is located between the previously mentioned ones. It a footbridge, opened in 2010. Jože Plečnik had the original idea for the bridge in 1930s but World War II pushed these ideas far into future.

I couldn`t resist as I made my way back to Metelkova hoping to find it empty in the morning. A void hope. At 7 am people were already partying.
I wandered the streets until I reached the river and crossed the Cobblers` Bridge. The Cobblers` Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Ljubljana stating back to the 13th century. Originally it was a wooden bridge but naturally it has been renovated several times. 

Breakfast was somewhat modest. White bread, cheese, salami, yogurt, fruit. After that a small walk to the Tivoli Park.

At 10 am we went to a boat ride on the Ljubljanca. We noticed the busy boat traffic the first time we reached the city. Maybe we would not have taken the ride but it was already incluced in Urbana card. Lovely hour spent.
The Funicular
After that we made our way to Krek square to find the Funicular leading 70 up to the castle. Ljubljana Castle states back to the 11th century and is located on top of the Castle Hill in the Old City. There is a wonderful panoramic view of the city from the Castle Tower: red rooftops, the river, rest of the city, mountains.
The Castle on its own is disappointing. There were not tham many rooms people can see. We got to see a puppet exhibition and modern art but nothing formed a compact overview of the castle.

Slovenian Railway Museum
After lunch we got more closely aquainted to the bus traffic by going to see Slovenia Railway Museum that is a bit farther from the centre. The museum was way more compact than the castle. There were steam engines in a big hall and everything connected to train traffic and its history in Slovenia in an another building.

The Botanical Gardens
The Botanical Gardens
Then about 30kilometre drive to the Botanical Gardens. We came across yet another problem with our Urbana cards in tyhe ticket office nit this time I was able to assist the workers on my own ;) The Garden is lovely and big enough, taking approximately 85 hectars and has about 3500 different plants. Birds and fish on top of that. Unfortunately we were there at a wrong time to see most of the flowers bloom. Tulips bloom in spring, luckily there were some roses still alive, but it would have been amazing to visit in anohr time.
One of the English gardens had a dinosaur exhibition. We could hear the thunder from afar, the sky was turning omniously dark. I wold have liked to walk a way longer route. Guess for the next visit..

After dinner I once again left my parents to enjoy a street musician and carried on to wander the streets.

25.6 km :)
The Botanical Gardens

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