Friday, September 27, 2019

Los Angeles - Santa Barbara - Morro Bay 9.08

9.08 Väljasõit Los Angelesest oli sündmustevaene. Alustasime suhteliselt varakult ning ummikutes eriliselt ei passinud, kuigi linnast välja jõudmine võttis ca tunni. 

Santa Barbara
Esimese peatuse tegime Ameerika Rivieraks kutsutavas Santa Barbaras. Nii huvitav oli mõelda, et aastaid tagasi sai samanimelist seebikat vaadata.

Santa Barbara
Jätsin auto parkimismajja ning suundusime randa. Tegime pikniku (salat), käisin jalgupidi vees (jätkuvalt jahe) kuigi rand on mõnusalt liivane ning jalutasime kail. Neil on nii lahedad kaid, müügipunktid, toidukohad, meelelahutus.

Moreton Bay viigipuu
Ranna äärde jääb samuti Moreton lahe 24m kõrgune ja ca 54m laiune viigipuu, mis arvatakse olevat suurim suureleheline viigipuu Ameerika Ühendriikides. Viigipuu seemne kinkis 1876. aastal üks meremees oma neiule.
Sõime ühe kalleima jäätise, mida kuskilt ostnud olen. 

Linna moodustavad kaunid hispaaniapärased madalad hooned. Auto juurde tagasi liikudes otsustas telefoni kaart ka siesta võtta nii, et sain mälu järgi liikuda. Parkimine ainult 1.50$
Vahepeal tekkis vajadus tualetipeatuse järele ning keerasime suvalisele kõrvalteele, mis viitas bensiinijaama suunas. Bensiinijaam oli tilluke, poes oli tualett olemas ja keegi meid välja ei ajanud, kuigi midagi ei ostnud. Aga väikelinn, kuhu sattusime, oli nunnukas. Peatänavat ääristavad madalad vesternitest pärit stiiliga majad. Silma jäi tohutult huvitav gootilik 1880 Union Hotel.

Teele jäi Eestlastele maitseainena tuntud Santa Maria. Ameeriklaste jaoks on see maitseaine firma tundmatu. Kuna ma ei leidnud kodutööd tehes linnast midagi huvitavat, mida kindlasti üle vaadata, siis peatusi ei teinud ning pildistasime ainult silte.

Nätsukummi allee
Ühe vahepeatuse tegime veel San Luis Obispos. Kuidas tekib mõte tekitada nätsukummi sein? Kui üks inimene paneb oma nätsu seina külge, jääb see enamasti märkamatuks. Kuidas tekib 21 meetri pikkune tänav, mille mõlemad seinad on näritud nätse täis? Ühe versiooni kohaselt sai see alguse pärast II MS, kohaliku keskkooli lõpetamisest. Teise variandi kohaselt sai see alguse 1950ndate lõpus SLO keskkooli ja California polütehnilise riigi ülikooli õpilaste rivaalitsemisest. Mis iganes põhjus see oli, praegu külastavad turistid linna, millel on nätsukumme täis allee. Turismilõks missugune. Ootasin tegelikult päris mitmed ajad, et inimesed tänava vabastaksid.

Morro Bay 😍

Kulgesime terve päeva ranniku ääres. Õhtuks jõudsime ookeani äärses asuvasse u 10000 elanikuga Morro Bay linna.  Selle peatuspaiga olin valinud enne ookeani temperatuuri siseeluga tutvumist rannapäevaks. Kaardilt paistab ilus liivarand, piisavalt väike koht aga samas mitte ahistavalt tilluke. Kuni siis avastasin, et ookean on külm. Marsruuti ümber ei planeerinud. Ja jummal tänatud, ma olen Morro Bayst täielikus vaimustuses.

Morro Bay
Kõigepealt registreerisime end majutusse - The Landing at Morro Bay. Mõnusalt väike butiikhotell. 25 numbrituba, kõigile olemas parkimiskoht, ülemiselt korruselt vaade ookeanile (meie asusime esimesel korrusel), armas tuba, meeldiv ning abivalmis teenindus.

Tegime jalutuskäigu, põikasime sisse poodidesse (tillukesed ja turismindusele üles ehitatud). No kõik kohad, kus me käisime, promosid oma elukohta. Otsisime tegelikult America kirjaga särki, mida ei leidnudki. Igas kohas oli kohaliku sümboolika ja/või kirjaga meeneid, riideid.

Ema õhtusöök
Õhtusöögiks jalutasime keskusest veidi eemale Togazzini Dockside Restauranti. Isutekitajaks pakuti marineeritud juurvilju. Head. Oliivid ka peaaegu nagu Hispaanias. No ja suured viilud võiga tehtud saia. Ikka vaja ära süüa. Kuigi ma tean, iga kord tean, et siis ei jaksa toitu süüa. Toodi tohutu portsjon pastat, mereannid, riivjuust ja võine saiaviil. Kes ei suutnud järjekordselt magustoiduni jõuda?

Jalutasime tagasi majutusse ning vanemad jäid õhtut nautima, mina läksin uuesti jalutama.

Morro Bays elavad hülged😍. Nendele on tehtud omaette platvorm, kus nad saavad puhata. Ja seal elavad ka saarmad😍. No ja ma siis käisin mööda rannaäärt ning lihtsalt nautisin kohalolekut. Ainuüksi nemad olid väärt seal olemist. Jõudsin päikeseloojanguks Morro Rocki juurde. Saarmad chillisid selili vees.
Santa Barbara
9th August Leaving Los Angeles was not that exciting. We started relatively early, and it took us about an hour to drive out of the city.

First we visited American Riviera - Santa Barbara. It was fascinating to think I used to watch a soap opera with the same name years ago. Years and years ago.

Santa Barbara Pier
We left our car in a car park and walked to the beach. We had a picnik (salad), I stood in the water (still cold) although the beach was so nice and sandy. We walked on the pier. They have such interesting piers with performers, places to eat, little shops.
Santa Barbara

We went to the 80 feet high and 176feet wide Moreton Bay Fig Tree that is believed to be the largest Ficus macrophylla in the United States. Supposedly a seaman visited Santa Barbara in 1876 and gave a seedling to a local girl.

We ate probably the most expensive ice cream I have ever had.

The houses are pretty and quite low. When we were walking towards our car park, my phone`s maps decided to erase all the dots I had marked so I was able to rely on my memory. The parking was only 1.50$
At one point we had the need to use a toilet. I took a randon exit that directed to a petrol station. The station was tiny. There was a small shop with a toilet we were able to use although we didn`t buy anything.

But the small town we had found was so charming. The main street was bordered with yet again low, vestern looking houses. An interesting gothic looking 1880 Union Hotel caught my eye. The charm of road-trips.

We drove past Santa Maria, a name that is known in Estonia for the seasoning brand. But as I understand the rest of the world does not know that. I didn`t find anything interesting to see when I did my homework so we just drove past it and took some photos of the city signs.

Bubblegum Alley
We stopped in San Luis Obispo. How does one start a bubblegum wall? If a person sticks their gum on a wall, it goes unnoticed, I would imagine. How does a bubblegum on a wall become a 70-feet bubblegum alley?

Morro Bay
One version says it started after WWII as a San Luis Obispo High School graduating class event. Others believe it started in the late 1950s, as the rivalry between San Luis Obispo High School and California Polytechnic State University students. Whatever the reason, many tourists actually visit San Luis Obispo because of the alley. What a brilliant idea to attract tourists. I had to wait quite some time for the people to leave. 
Morro rock
We were able to drive along the coast most of the day. By the evening we reached the seaside town of Morro Bay.  I had chosen that place for its location by the ocean. Before I found out about the ocean`s temperature. You can see beautiful sandy beaches from maps. The town is small enough but not too tiny. Until I discovered the ocean there is freezing. I didn`t re-plan my route. And thank goood. I fell in love with Morro Bay.

We checked in The Landing at Morro Bay. Lovely boutique hotel. 25 rooms, a parking space for each room, the top floor offers views to the ocean (we had to stay on the ground floor), cosy room, polite and helpful staff.

We had a walk. Browsed the tiny shops. Every shop we visited during our journey was dedicated to the place we were in. People know how to advertise their homeplaces. We were actually looking for a shirt with a "I love America" message, my neighbour had asked for that, but the only clothing (magnets, keychains, etc, etc) we saw had only local writings.

We had to take a slightly longer walk to Togazzini Dockside Restaurant. We had pickled vegetables for appertizers. Good. Olives were almost like in Spain. And huge slices of buttered white bread. Of course I had to eat these. Although I know every time that I shouldn`t, because then I cannot manage to eat my dinner. I had a huge portion of seafood pasta, served with loads of grated cheese and a slice of buttered white bread. Guess who wasn`t able to eat dessert once again?

We walked back to our hotel and my parents called it the night. I went back walking.

There are seals in Morro Bay😍. People have built a platform just for them. And otters live in Morry Bay😍. That was all I needed. I just walked on the waterfront and enjoyed being there. They alone were enough to make our stay in Morro Bay worthwhile. I absolutely fell in love and was soooo glad I didn`t change our route after finding out about the ocean temperature. I reached Morro Rock by sunset. Otters were chilling in the water.

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