Foto by Agnes Pajur |
Eilsega algas minu selle aasta võistlushooaeg. 15.02.2016 toimus Tallinna Tõusujooksu sarja (Valdo Jahilo eestvedamisel) esimene etapp, Radisson Blu Olümpia hotelli trepijooksu topeltjooks. Pärast Teletorni olin otsustanud, et sellega minu trepijooksud piirduvad ;)
Erinevalt eelmisest aastast tuli ajavahemikus 18.00 kuni 19.30 Olümpia hotelli 26.5 korruseline distants läbida kahel korral. Eelmisel aastal proovisid samuti mõned kaks korda joosta, et oma tulemust parandada. Vaatasin neid kui :D No jalad on pärast ühte tõusu kapsad, kopsud karjuvad hapniku järele, mis mõttes teist korda parem aega võiks tulla? Aga. Aga minu esimene tõus oli 2.31 ja teine 2.32 (olen 99.9% kindel, et oleks olnud mõlemad sama aeg, mis esimesel. Üles liikudes jõudsin sinna samaaegselt ühe noormehega, kes sai oma lõpuaja enne fikseerida. Täppisjooks või mis?) Kuigi pool tõusust oli näoga akna (teoreetiliselt imelise Tallinna vaate) ja tähtede poole, siis tegelikkuses vaate imetlemiseks aega ei olnud :) Üllatavalt seekordne topeltjooks oli kergem kui eelmise aasta stardid.
Foto by Agnes Pajur |
12. märtsil ootavad ees trepijooksu Euroopa Meistrivõistlused Poolas, Varssavis ^_^ Pärast eilset võistlust saime kätte kingitused sponsoritelt (CEP Eesti kompressioon säärised Eesti esindaja Pringstorelt, saunalina MyFitnessilt, Enervit toetas joogipudeli, PreSport energialisandi ja taastusbatooniga) ja poseerisime fotograafile, jälle uus kogemus. Elu on ikka põnev.
This time again literally running towards stars :)
Yesterday marked the beginning of my this year`s competition season. Valdo Jahilo organised Radisson Blu Olümpia Hotel double-run towerrunning. After reaching Tallinn Teletower last year I decided that would be the last of my towerrunnings ;)
Unlike last year, we had to run 26.5 floors twice during time period of an hour and half (18.00-19.30). Previous year some people also ran twice in hope of improving their time. I used to think of them as :D Come on, my legs literally shook, lungs yelled for oxygen, in addition I nearly coughed my lungs out. And they seriously wanted to run faste the second time around? But. But my first run was 2.31 and second 2.32 (I am 99.9% certain, I would have had exactly the same times. Reaching up I managed to get to the top at the same time as a man and he got to fix his time first. Punctual running or what?)
Although half of the distance faced the windows and (theoretical stunnig view of Tallinn), I never got the chance to enjoy it :) Surprisingly enough, this year was easier than all three towerrunnings last year.
There were 33 women, 14 in my age category. I managed to be the fastest woman. Happy-happy-happy ^_^ Saucony Eesti rewarded the fastest man and woman with Saucony running shoes. My current Asics were just waiting to be replaced. While giving Sauconys to me they said I could replace them if not my number. Miraculously these were made just for me.
On 12th March I am going to Towerrunning European Championships to Poland, Warsaw ^_^ After yesterday`s competition we got some gifts from our sponsors (CEP Eesti compression leggings from Estonia`s representative Pringstore, a huge towel from MyFitness and Pre Sport energy drink, energy bar and a drink bottle from Enervit). Then we posed for a fotographer (another new experience). Who said life was not exciting?
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