2016 tegin tutvust MOBOga, sarnaselt Geopeitusele (mida kasutasin viimati ammmmu) tuleb kaardi järgi orienteeruda. Erinevalt Geost ei ole punktid sihtkohas peidetud.
Mulle lähim on Türi Tolli metsa rada 16 punktiga. Eelmine kord suutsin tuvastada 12. Siis oli trauma ja liikumine välistatud ja siis oli/on? talveuni. Esimest korda olin meeleoluga erimeelsusel üle 10 aasta tagasi. Ja siis põlv ja lihtsalt väiksematki motivatsiooni midagi teha oli/on raske leida. Alles nüüd tundsin, et võiks uuesti proovida.
Igatahes. Eelmise aasta lõpupäevadel tekkis mõte, et leiaks need neli allesjäänud punkti ka üles. Raja ääres olevatega ei olnud eelmine kord mingit probleemi aga need toredad metsa sees peituvad marakratid. Rajale asudes avastasin, et keegi pahalane oli vähemalt kaks punkti täielikult eemaldanud. Tuvastasin ühe vajalikest märkidest aga selleks ajaks oli juba liiga pime ja telefoni välk välgutas liiga palju, mis ei lasknud QR koodi skannida.
Täna sain kõik kätte 😊 No ma tean, et karu meie metsas talveund ei pea ja hunte ka ei ole aga räägi sa seda endale üksi metsas olles kuuldes krõpsatusi ja nähes huvitavaid mahakukkunud puid, mis pakuksid karule tuulevarju.
I first got to know about MOBO (mobile based orienteering) in 2016, where you have to find points from a map in real life, similar to Geocaching (that I played a loooong time ago). But unlike Geo, the points are not hidden, you simply have to locate them.
The closest track to me is in Türi Tolli forest, that has 16 points. The last time I managed to locate 12 of them. Then I had the trauma and I couldn`t move and then I was hibernationing. Am. Was. The first time I struggled with my mood was more than 10 years ago. And then in 2016 my knee and it has been difficult to find any motivation to do anything. So finally I felt I wanted to give it another try.
Anyways. I first had the thought to find the four remaining points on the last days of 2019. I had no problems with the ones near the track, but the ones inside the forest were palying hide-and-seek. When I started the track I discovered that some bad person had stolen at least two points (fortunately not the ones I needed). I did find one of the points, but is was dark by the time and my phone`s flash was so flashy, it prevented me from scanning the QR code.
Today I managed to locate the final four 😊 Well, I am aware no bears are hibernating in our forest nor there are any wolves. But try to tell youself that in the middle of a forest when hearing sounds and seeing convenient fallen down trees, behind where bears could find shelter if they wanted to.
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