Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Éire vol2 day seven

So. July 21st, our last day in Ireland :( Well, technically, our plane back home was the next day but we had to be at the airport at 3.30 so that did not count.

Breakfast at Riversdale House B&B was nice. I am not keen on Irish/Scottish (what is the differenece?) breakfast, so I only asked for scrambled eggs. Not a favourite. As we had managed to visit Glendalough monastic site the previous day even though originally it was planned for 21st we decided to head straight to Dublin, hand over the rental and wander around the City.

Glenmacnass waterfall
Irish traffic jam
Sally Gap
First we tried to find a Glenmacnass waterfall (not the big one as we soon found out though it was named the same)  I that was located on my paper map. We did find the correct spot and actually managed to see the narrow stream coming down from a mountainside but unfortunately we were not able to get any close beause it was behind private properties. Oh well, nothing to do.

View from Glenmacnass waterfall overlooking the valley
As I wanted to get the most out of the Wicklow Mountains, I chose R115 to drive to Dublin. And being on that road we stumbled across much bigger waterfall. The view to the glen was again breathtaking. We just sat there for a while and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We actually made several stops on our way back. Just after the waterfall we got to see an Irish traffic jam, some sheep wandering on the road. I had expected to see that from our first day but had to wait until the last one. The drive on R115 was beautiful, simply beautiful. And all too soon it came to an end.
Before we understood it, we had reached the Dublin circle and made our way torwards the airport. Returned our car, found the suffle coach that drove us to our last hotel and settled in. Then we took the hotel`s coach back to the airport, changes buses and were on one that led us to Dublin city centre.
Dublin was just as lovely as I remembered. We did nothing special, just walked around, had lunch  and bought some souvenires from Carrols, walked some more and too soon our time was up. So we found the bus back to our hotel.

Next morning came way too soon. First I couldn`t fall asleep and then I was woken by snoring (that I had not heard during previous days. Weird.) Had to be at the airport at 3.30. Changed flights in Frankfurt. Got to sit next to a cute guy. He slept most of the way. Oh, I was sooo sleepy when we reached Frankfurt. Flying always makes me so sleepy and we had about three hours to kill with nothing to do. It would have been four hours but our plane was late. We had someone with a wheelchair that needed special tending after. Luckily for us that left less time at the airport.

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