By Aivar Pärtel |
Selle aasta
Tallinna Teletorni trepijooks toimus
3.04.2016. Järjekordselt olin kahtleval seisukohal kas osaleda, sest nädala alguses oli kaks päeva kurguvalu ja päris terve ei olnud neljapäevakski.
Neljapäeval helistas
Järva Teataja ajakirjanik
Anne Põder ja uuris, kas mul plaanis osaleda. Tema mõtles teha
loo, et võrrelda tavainimese ja natuke rohkem spordiga tegeleja Teletorni kogemust. Reedeks oli otsus tehtud ja jooksule registreeritud.
Sellel aastal oli
Teletorni 65 korrust ja 170 meetrit vaja vallutada kahel korral. Täpsustuseks nendel, kes 15 parema hulka pääsesid. Tegin õues väikese jooksutiiru, võimlesin ja
Dimitri Kotjuh tegi natuke stardieelseid pilte.
By Dimitri Kotjuh |
By Dimitri Kotjuh |
Paigutasin esimese jooksu suhteliselt algusesse, Anne startis minu järel. Korruste numbrid oli tähistatud paberitel. Kui läbida oli veel 33 korrus tundsin, et teist korda küll joosta ei taha. Üleval ajaga 6.36 (eelmine aasta 7.08) ja naiste arvestuses teine.
Elery Zadonski, kes Radissonis mulle järgnes, oli esimene. Sellel aastal ei olnudki tohutut köhimist. Taastumine ja 13.40 uuesti starti. Teine ring ajaga 6.34 ja kokkuvõttes naiste teine, oma vanuse naiste võitja. Meestest võitis jälle R
auno Tiits. Mehed said auhinnaks servalkõnni, naised perepileti. Mis mõttes? Mina tahtsin ka servalkõndi, selle oleksin ise ära kasutanud.
This year`s
Tallinn TV tower run took place on 3rd April. Again I was hesitsant whether to run because I had a sore throat at the beginning of the week and I was not entirely well by Thursday.
By Dimitri Kotjuh |
On Thursday
Järva Teataja journalist
Anne Põder called and wanted to know if I intended to run. She thought to write a
story comparing the Teletower experiences of a regular person and someone who trains a bit more. By Friday I had made my decision and registered for the run.
By Aivar Pärtel |
This year we had to conquer TV tower, its 65 floors and 170 metres twice. Well these, who made it to top 15. I ran outside, stretched and
Dimitri Kotjuh took some pre-run shots.
I wanted to run the first round as soon as possible. Anne started right after me. The numbers of the floors were marked on paper. When I had 33 floors to to I felt that I seriously didn`t want to run the second round. I made it to the top with 6.36 (previous year 7.08) and was second among women.
Elery Zadonski, who was behind me in Radisson, was leading. This year the run didn`t make me cough that badly as it did last year. Recovery and the second round at 13.40. The second run with 6.34 and second woman all togehter, winner in my age group. R
auno Tiits won again. The men were awarded with a walk on the edge and the women with a family ticket to the tower. What the?? I would have wanted the walk on the edge.
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