Saturday, April 30, 2016

"Liigu kogu südamest" / Move from your heart

Täna toimus Paides Hotspordi eestvedamisel südamekuu lõpuüritus "Liigu kogu südamest".
By Silvi Lukjanov

Päeva alustas Sven Idarand oma energilise tantsutreeninguga. Olen teinud tantsulist aeroobikat aga päris tantsu mitte, see oli põnev eriti arvestades minu suutmatust kombinatsioone meelde jätta. Sven oli äärmiselt rõõmsameelne ja meile valitud muusika väga mõnus.

By Anne Põder
Teisena Kaja Tuisk poksitreeninguga. Selles vormis minu jaoks jällegi täiesti uus kogemus. Olen erinevate aeroobika trennide raames poksinud aga see oli kahtlemata kõige intensiivsem. Ootan juba homset lihasvalu.

By Anne Põder

Päeva lõpetas jooga ja Silja Siller, naeratav, positiivne ja hea huumorisoonega. Pingutust nõudis ikka ka :)

Järjekordselt väga mõnus päev. Homme algab #rajavallutaja väljakutse.
Hotsport organized a fun day filled with three different workouts as the ending of a month dedicated to our hearts named "Move from your heart".

By Anne Põder
Sven Idarand began our day at noon with his energetic dance workout. I have taken part of a few aerobics trainings that include elements from different styles of dancing but never an entire dance routine. That was so exciting especially considering my inability to memorize combinations. Sven was extremely cheerful and had chosen very inspiring music.
By Anne Põder

That was continued by Kaja Tuisk and her boxing. Once again, entirely new experience for me. I have boxed during various aerobics lessons but this intensity was something else. I am already looking forward to sore muscles tomorrow.

The day came to its end with yoga by Silja Siller, smiling, positive and good sense of humour. It required plenty of effort though :)

Once again a wonderful day. Tomorrow states the start of  #rajavallutaja challenge.

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