Soojenduseks jumping nüüd juba teist korda proovitud mini trampoliinidel. Meid juhendas sama treener, kes Paides. Mõte iseenesest oli tore aga jumping päris kõigile ei sobi, vanus ja kaal võivad olla väikeseks takistuseks. Seega kõik ei hüpanud ja suundusid kohe orienteeruma.
Aga kuna mina ainsana olin enne jumpingut proovinud ja Liisa oli sellest vaimustuses, siis meie tegime trenni lõpuni.
Punktide otsimise tagajärg |
Igatahes lahe rada. Nüüdseks olen mobo konto teinud ja meie kohaliku raja peaaegu läbinud (3 puntki veel võtmata).
Liikumist ja sportimist harrastav Järvamaa 6th part took place in Aravate Kangrumäe. There were considerably less people compared to previous times. I guess being far from Järva county centre and orienteering are not that appealing.
As a warm up we got to try mini trampolines again, the same woman guided our jumping training than in Paide. The thought itself was lovely but jumping is not that suitable for everyone. So not everyone took part and headed straight for the orineteering track. As my companions had not tried it (and Liisa was really enjoying it) we stayed to the end.
By the time we completed our warm up, everyine else was already gone. Aravete Kangrumäe has mobo track, so the same points were used. But fortunately not the actual track that requires using your mobile but paper clues pinned to the points. It was fun to find the points, but I only managed to find the paper clue from one (as it turned out, the clues were hidden on behind the points and I really did not think of that).
Anyway, we managed to find 8 out of 10 and then we were called back because the others had already left (obviously, as they started earlier than us).
Cool track. By now I have registred on mobo page and almost completed our local track (3 points yet to find).
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