Joonistasin eelmise aasta lõpus
Karl-Erik Taukari pildi. Mai alguses tekkis mõte sellele autogramm saada, pole kogumisega tükk aega tegelenud. Otsisin tema esinemiskohti ja jäi silma
Rapla laululava, asukoht kõige lähem ning lisaks temale veel mõned esinejad. Tegemist siis
Star FM suvealguse tuuriga. Vahepeal lisandus
Jüri Pootsmanni pilt. Sõbranna õnnestus kampa saada tänu
Termikale ja
Eelmisel päeval sadas vihma ning Viljandi kontsert lükati edasi. Hea küll, väike torm oli. Tekkis küll mõte, kas Raplat tabab sama saatus aga õnneks jäi lõunast sadu järele ning asendus päikesega.
Jüri Pootsmann |
Jõudsime kohale piisavalt vara aga laululava pingid olid väga suures mahus hõivatud. Samuti lavaesine.
Jüri Pootsmann alustas, mulle meeldib väga ta madal hääl. Esinemise lõpus suundusin autogrammilaua juurde (õnneks ei olnud ainuke üle meetri pikkune :D ) Jüri andis ikka päris pikalt ennast oodata. Vahepeal korraldas Roosileht laval tantsuvõistluse ja Karl-Erik jõudis esinemisega alustada. Vähemalt niigi palju, et olin laua ääres ja ei pidanud tema jõudes väga kaua ootama.
Karl-Erik Taukar |
Proovisin sama teha
Karl-Erik Taukari esinemise lõpuks ja suundusin laua poole aga üllatuslikult oli tekkinud päris pikk järjekord. Ootasime. Ootasime. Ootasime veel. Vahepeal korraldas Roosileht meestele autotõmbamise võistluse. Rivi nihkus laua poole. Ootasime. Siis tuli Roosileht ja jagas mingeid pilte. Selgus, et Karl-Erik ei suvatsenudki fännidega kohtuma tulla, istus telgis, allkirjastas pilte ja saatis need Roosilehe kaudu inimestele :) Mida ka kõigile ei jätkunud. Mul oleks olnud ükskõik endast aga seal olid enamik ikkagi lapsed. Lapsed kes silmnähtavalt olid pettunud. Mina palusin toredal turvamehel oma pildile allkirja saada aga see suhtumine...
Smilers |
Terminaator |
Terminaator ja
Smilers. Termika mehed allkirjastasid kaks jalgpalli ja saatsid need publikusse. Tekkis sportlik huvi, kui teeks pildi ja kontserdi ajal esiritta läheks, kas siis võiks autogrammi saada? Nende piltidega on ainult natuke keerulisem. Kõigist head pilti pole ja teha ainult Jaagup Kreem või Hendrik Sal-Saller?
Igatahes ilm oli super ja kontsert oli lahe.
Jüri Pootsmann |
I drew a picture of
Karl-Erik Taukar last year. At the beginning of May I thought of getting it signed. So I searched for his places he would be performing at and
Rapla singing ground seemed close enough and it included other singers. It was Radio Star FM`s tour celebrating summer. Meanwhile I drew
Jüri Pootsmann. I managed to take my friend with me because she adores
Terminaator and
It was raining the day before. Well, actually there was a tiny storm and they had to cancel Viljandi´s concert. We were wondering if the same fate would come to Rapla but luckily it ended raining after noon and rain was replaced with sun.
Jüri Pootsmann |
We got there early enough but almost all of the benches were already taken, so was the space in front of the stage.
Jüri Pootsmann was the first to sing. I enjoy his low voice. At the end of his performance I made my way to the autograph table (fortunately I was not the only one under one metre :D ) Jüri made us wait quite a while. Meanwhile Roosileht held a dancing competition and Karl-Erik started singing. But at least he arrived.
Karl-Erik Taukar |
I tried to do the same with
Karl-Erik Taukar. I moved towards the autograph table only to discover there was a long-long queue. So we waited. And waited. And waited. Roosileht held a competition for men to pull a car. The line moved towards the table. We still waited. Then Roosileht came and handed out pictures. It turned out Karl-Erik didn`t bother to meet his fans. He just singed the pictures in a tent and had someone else deliver them. Not to mention there weren`t enough. I honestly wouldn`t have minded one way or another but most of the people waiting were children. Children who were obviously dissapointed. I asked a security man to get my drawing signed. But that attitude...
Smilers |
Terminaator |
Then there were
Terminaator and
Smilers. The men from Terminaator signed two footballs and threw them in the audience. I got intrigued. What if I drew them and went to the first row, would I get it signed? It is a bit tricky with drawing them, there aren`t good pictures of them and to only draw the frontmen?
All in all, it was a lovely concert and we were blessed with weather.
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