Teel Skyelt mandrile |
Esimeseks jalasirutuseks pidi olema Invergarry lossivaremed aga teel olles nautisime vaateid ja pilve tagant piiluvat päikest.
Avastasime I maailmasõja mälestusmärgi ja huvitavad kivide kuhjad.
Igal pool märkasime teele märgitud nooli, mis ei lasknud unustada kummas reas sõita. Ju on siis piisavalt turiste olnud, kes seda unustada on suutnud.
Invergarry |
Fort William |
Mõne aja pärast jõudsimegi Fort Williamisse. Fort William on oma ca 10550 inimesega suuruselt teine linn mägismaal Invernessi järel. Seda külastab aastaringselt palju turiste, lähedus Ben Nevisele teeb selle üheks mägironimise keskuseks. Lõunasse jääb Glen Coe, idas Aonach Mor ja Ben Nevis, läänes Glenfinnan.
Aonah Mor ning Ben Nevis on mõlemad Munrod (mägi Šotimaal, mis on kõrgem kui 3000 jalga/914 meetrit). Nimetus tuleb Sir Hugo Munro järgi, kes koostas sellistest mägedest 1891 a. nimekirja. Šotimaal on 282 Munrot. Mägironijate väljakutseks on Munrode "kottipanek" (Munro bagging) ehk nende kõigi vallutamine. 2017 aastaks on selliseid inimesi üle 6000. Esimeseke Hamish Brown 1974a ja kõige kiiremini on see õnnestunud Stephen Pyke`il, 40 päevaga.
Jätsime oma auto järgmise öömaja, West End Hotel`i parklasse ning läksime söögijahile.
Sticky toffe vol2 |
Lõuna järgselt oli check-in`i aeg kätte jõudnud. Viisime oma pagasi tuppa (mõnus ja suur aga vannituba oleks vajanud värskendust. Lisaks, mis teema on nende paksude vaipadega? Kui mul on vaja hommikul vaikselt liikuda, siis see ei ole võimalik. Ah, ja vannitoa ventilatsioon tegi lärmi).
Suundusime Aonah Mor vaateplatvormile. Tuli osta eraldi parkimispilet. Common. Igatahes, funikulöör viis üles mäe otsa. Vaatasime allakihutavaid rattureid. Suvel on võimalik rattaga, talvel suuskadel alla liuelda. Ja lõpuks uuesti vaateplatvormil. Jahe tuul segas veidike. Aga vaade on võrratu.
Palun, Glenfinnani kabel ka |
Päeva viimaseks sihtkohaks oli Glenfinnan. Jah, Glenfinnanis on jakobiitide ülestõusu järgne mälestusmärk ja kaunis kabel.
Aga seekord need mind ei huvitanud. Kõik, kes on näinud Harry Potterit kooli sõitmas teavad Glenfinnani viadukti 😍 Seda 30 meetri kõrgust viadukti, mis ehitati Sir Robert McAlpine eestvedamisel (kes ei kujutanud ettegi, kui kuulsaks tema viadukt saab) vahemikus 1897-1898 ja kus tänaseni sõidab kaks korda päevas jakobiitide aururong. See sama aururong, mida kogunevad kell 10:56 (nagu ametlikul lehel kirjas, järgmine päev 10:52 oli rong juba läinud) või 15:23`ish vaatama uskumatult paljud.
Tahtsin pildistamiskoha üle vaadata. Auto jätsime väikesesse tasuta parklasse. Kõrval oli tasuline parkla. Väike rahulik jalutuskäik ja siis tõus mööda künka külge. Lihtne, onju? 😁 (järgmises postituses pikemalt).
Õhtul käisime uuesti The Tavernis, fish&chips ja maasikamaius (pilt all) 😁 Avastasime, et ettekandja toanaaber on eestlane. Meelelahutuseks järjekordne torupillietendus.
20th July. It was drizzing when I woke and as I had seen almost everying I could imagine (with sunshine) the previous morning, Idecided to have a lazy morning. Toast&tea for breakfast and it was time to say say goodbye to Skye for time being. It had stopped raining by the time we set out. Our second refilling stop and we were on our way towards Fort William.
The ruins of Invergarry were supposed to be our first destination but we (or I) could not stop from time to time to enjoy the views. We discovered a memorial dedicated to those who lost their lived in WWI and interesting piles of stones.
Invergarry |
Fort William |
Aonah Mor and Ben Nevis are Munros (mountain in Scotland that is higher than 3000ft/914 metres). Munros are named after Sir Hugo Munro who produced the first list of such hills in 1891.
There are 282 Munros in Scotland. A popular challenge amongst hillwalkers is "Munro bagging", the aim to climb all the listed Munros. By 2017, more than 6000 people have reported to have done that.
The first was Hamish Brown in 1974 and the fastest from 2010 Stephen Pyke with less than 40 days.
We left our car in our next accommodation, West End Hotel`s parkin lot and went hunting for food. For lunch we chose The Tavern Restaurant I was happy to find sticky toffee pudding on the menu 😀 It was the best pudding I ate during my trip. In addition tomato soup and a bun.
By then, our check-in time had arrived. We took our luggage to our room (nice and spacious room but the bathroom would have needed a refreshing. Also, what`s up with the thick carpets? If I need to move silently in the morning, it is not possible. And the ventilator in the bathroom was sooo noisy).
We made our way to Aonah Mor viewing platform. We had to buy a ticket for parking. Common. The ticket up is 15 pounds and I have to pay for the parking??? Anyways, a gondola took us up. Bikers were soaring down (creepy). A tiny climb and I was back again with the view I remember. The wind was a bit chilly but it was stunning.
See, the chapel |
But this time I was not interested. Everyone who has seen Harry Potter take the train to school knows the Glenfinnan viaduct 😍
The same 30 metre high viaduct that was built between 1879-1898 thanks to Sir Robert McAlpine (who probably didn`t imagine how famous his viaduct might become) and where still the Jacobite steam train runs. The same train that incredibly many people gather to see twice a day at 10:56am (as the official page says, well it was gone by 10:52 the next day) or/and15:23`ish pm. I wanted to see where I could take the photo. I left the car in a tiny free parking lot, there was a paid parking lot nearby. A nice, calm walk towards the viaduct. An peaceful climb to get a better view. Couldn`t be easier, right?😁 (the next post will explain).
In the evening we went back to The Tavern, fish&chips and a strawberry sundae 😁 We discovered our waitresse`s roommate is from Estonia. And for entertainment another lovely bagpipe show.
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