Sellel aastal siis pärast 7 aastast pausi uuesti mägede, torupillide ja lammaste suunas.
Reisi ootus ei läinud seekord viperusteta.Varakult asju planeerides võivad asjaolud muutuda. Lennufirma tühistas lennu ja nende poolt alternatiivina pakutu oleks tähendanud kaks päeva hiljem kohalejõudmist. Sain esimest korda kindlustusega asju ajada. Olen vist paketireisidest saadik Salva klient olnud, kuid varem nende poole pöörduma ei ole pidanud. Üllatuslikult positiivne kogemus.
Seekord väljasõit alles päeval. Ümberistumine ka ainult poolteist tundi. Jätkulend hilines peaaegu tunni, sai järjekorras seista, lennukis istuda. See selleks, lõpuks sai jalad Šotimaa pinnale.
Ibis Edinburgh Airport |
Esimeseks öömajaks Ibis Edinburgh Airport ja majutusse bussiga. Tuba oli askeetlik aga valiku aluseks oli siiski lennujaama lähedus ja hind (broneerisin juulis 2016 ja saime toa 40 euroga).
16.07 Be still my heart. I have been to Scotland three times for now (hopefully I get to discover that country again). The first time I was there I think it was 11 years ago with Viru Reisid. That was my very first trip. We started our bus journey at the break of dawn from Tallinn towards La Manche channel. A short stop in London and then all the way to Inverness. Virtually three weeks in a bus :) In 2010 again with Tensi Reisid (but ever since the coach journey I have travelled with a plane). And since Eire in 2014 I have taken a rental car and roamed around with a car.
After 7 long years back again with the mountains, bagpipes and sheep. Don`t like haggis.
Waiting for the trip didn`t go entirely stress free. Planning things early, things can change. Our plane company cancelled our flight and the alternative they offered would have meant arriving two days later (I already had the car and the accommodations). So for the first time I got to deal with my insurance. I think I have always been Salva client but never had to get their assistance. Surprisingly positive experience.
View from our room |
Our first accommodation was Ibis Edinburgh Airport and it was convenient to take a bus there. Our room was ascetic but my choice was based on the closeness to the airport and the price (I booked in July 2016 and got our room for three with 40 euros).
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